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Jaren POV
Everyone had left except for Cameron and John. I was talking with John while Y/n and Cam talked enthusiastically to each other at the table.
"Yeah, I'm just waiting on Fitz but, he doesn't look like he wants to leave anytime soon." John said to me as we both observed Y/n and Cam.
"You guys are welcome to stay the night if you'd like." I said, not taking my eyes off the fascinating sight of Y/n finally bonding with someone.
"Eh, I might, but Cameron has to catch a flight to Australia tomorrow, he should have probably left to sleep by now."
"Oh, he's leaving this early?" I asked.
"Nah, he's coming back day after tomorrow. He just needs to go to a few hour event." John explained.
I made a hm sound before patting John on the shoulder and walking over to Y/n and Cam. I leaned on the table.
"Fitz, John said you've gotta catch a flight tomorrow, so maybe you should get home and get to sleep? I'll give you Y/n's number since you two can't seem to stop talking to each other. Y/n blushed as Cam chuckled.
"Yeah, I should probably get going. John, are you staying?" Cameron asked John.
"Eh, nah I'm good. I don't wanna be a bother, I'm sure Jaren and Y/n want the house to themselves." John smiled.
I said bye to John as Y/n said bye to Cam.
"It was really nice seeing you again John." I said, giving him a sincere hug. I took in his scent of lavender as we pulled apart.
"Cam hurry up, I'll be waiting in the car!" John said as he started walking away.
"Oh yeah, and Jaren?" John said, making me turn back around with a hm? He smiled and winked at me, making my face blush. I giggled to myself under my breathe as he and Cam went out the door.
Holy shit
Y/n POV (a couple moments before)
I said bye to Cam while Jaren said bye to John. Cameron and I stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before I jumped at him with a hug, that we was prepared for. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and squeezed me gently in his arms. I closed my eyes as I took in the beautiful scent that was pink roses on him.
"It was very nice meeting you Y/n."
He whispered in my ear, making shivers run down my body.
"I-It was nice meeting you too Cameron. I haven't connected with someone like that in a while." I gently smiled as a blush went across my face. He grabbed my hand and gently kissed it before turning around to leave out the door too soon.
"Bye Cameron!" I called after him.
He waved behind him as John dragged him out the door. Jaren and I both did that love sigh after they left.
"So, you and Fitzy?" Jaren asked, sitting on the couch.
"I could ask the same question about you and Jonny boy, huh?" I said, making Jaren blush.
"Ok fine, he's kinda cute I guess." Jaren said.
"Yeah well.. I really connected with Cameron, it was nice to have a real connection with someone like that for once in a long time." I sighed, smiling happily.
"You know that really sad wave of loneliness you get when someone you like leaves?" Jaren asked, turning to me.
"Yeah, I feel that." I said.
"Y/n? I don't wanna jump to any conclusions or anything, but I think we're both falling in love with people." Jaren commented.
"Honestly.. I think we are." I responded, leaning my head on the back of the couch.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Where stories live. Discover now