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We had made it to Jaren's house, and were sitting at the table, trying to plan the party.
"Ok so, what food do you want Jaren?" I asked, scratching my nose.
"Well, I was thinking-" Jaren started before the door bell rang.
"I'll get it." I said, getting up and making my way toward the door. I opened the door to be face to face with a decently tall man. He had brown eyes and bleached blonde hair. He seemed to have rings on most of his fingers.
"Hello there cutie. Is Jaren there?" The blonde man said. I blushed at his comment.
"Jaren!! You're friend is here!" I yelled to Jaren. He came up behind me.
"Oh, come in John. I forgot you were coming over." Jaren said as he gently guided me with his hand to go back to the table as he let John inside. I sat back at the table, with Jaren and John joining soon after.
"Y/n, this is John, my best friend (no offense), and John, this is my close friend Y/n." Jaren introduced.
"None taken. Anyways, hi, it's nice to meet you John, I love your rings." I complimented.
"Nice to meet you too, and thanks." John started. "So, Jaren, what's it like being friends with the hottest girl ever?" John chuckled.
"John, what did we talk about? Stop that." Jaren growled.
"Ok, ok fine. Party, what are we doing for the party." John continued.
"We were just about to talk about the food. Jaren?" I said, looking toward Jaren.
"Oh yeah. We should have like, cookies and shit." Jaren said. I chuckled.
"Jaren I hope you realize we need real food too right?" I said. Jaren looked like he thought he was stupid.
"Oh shit, I completely forgot about real food. Um.. Does pizza count?" Jaren said. John face palmed.
"Fine, whatever, we'll order pizza, and I'll make cookies." I said, standing up.
"You two can clean up and decorate and shit while I'm baking." I said, walking over to the kitchen.
We had the cookies and pizza out, the house was clean, now all we had to do was wait for Jaren's friends to get here.
Jaren POV
The doorbell rang shortly after Y/n had gone into the kitchen to hang out. I ran over to the door, opening it.
"Hey man! How's it been?"
It was Mason and Eric. Soon enough most of my friends were at my house, talking with each other, playing a game on my Xbox, or just hanging out and drinking (Alcohol and non alcoholic drinks). I wondered around everywhere, making sure everyone was here. Y/n was talking with Toby at the dinner table. Matt was playing Fortnite with Mason, and John and I were just standing at the kitchen counter, talking and drinking. But we were missing someone.
"Hey Mason?" I yelled at him from across the loud room. He was already dead in Fortnite, so he had no problem getting up and coming over to me.
"Ye?" He said, leaning his arm on the counter.
"Do you know if Fitz is coming?" I questioned.
"Oh ye, he's coming. He said he'll be a bit late, and he said to leave some pizza for him." Mason said.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Where stories live. Discover now