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Two days until the convention (you're at Jaren's house)
I woke up in my bed at Jaren's house, immediately wanting to draw something, or play a game. I was just feeling really productive today I checked my phone to see a text from Fitz.

Hey! I tried to call you after my flight landed, but you didn't answer.

Oh, I'm sorry! I fell asleep really early after packing yesterday!

He didn't respond, which wouldn't surprise me, he was probably asleep. I really wanted to do something like draw, but all my art stuff was still at my apartment. I went downstairs to see Jaren watching YouTube.
"Hey Y/n, wanna go to the cafe in a couple minutes?" He asked, not looking away from the tv.
"Yeah sure, we can go now if you want." I said.
I got my shoes on and waited by the door for Jaren. Once he got ready we headed out the door. Once we made it to the cafe, Jaren opened my door for me, and locked the car as we headed inside. Since it was cold outside, the warm air and nice coffee smell was refreshing. We sat down at a table after ordering our breakfast. My phone dinged as Jaren was speaking about something on his phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Cameron.

Sorry if it's early for you, but do you wanna call? I'm really bored and I don't feel like talking to the guys.

Sorry Cam, I would, but I'm at a cafe with Jaren.

Sorry if this is a bit personal, but are you two dating or something?

Ew no! He's my brother! He's just really protective of me because of past events.

Oh I'm so sorry lol I'm stupid..

A smile plastered across my face.
"Fitz texting you?" Jaren asked, sipping his coffee.
"Yeah, how did you-?"
"You don't smile like that unless someone you like is talking to you." Jaren said giving me a smug look. I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder.
A couple minutes later
"So, Cameron kept trying to plan all this shit for the trip. He wanted to plan camping, and like, 5 other things. So I told him to relax and focus on the camping thing. So that's something we're probably doing on the trip." I explained to Jaren as I sipped my vanilla chai latte.
"Camping? It's literally winter! What's Fitz thinking?!" Jaren claimed.
"I thought it was a good idea." I said unintentionally quiet as I looked at my phone.
"Well, what else was he planning on dragging us to?" Jaren asked.
"I think he said something about a fair, a movie, shopping, and maybe something else I'm forgetting." I said.
"Damn.. Fitz never plans more than two things for a trip of a month, yet he's planning like five things for a week long trip? Maybe it's cause you're coming and he wants to impress you."
A light blush went across my face.
"N-Nah probably not." I stuttered.
"He likes you Y/n, it's really obvious." Jaren explained plainly, as if someone having a crush on me was a everyday thing.
I chuckled at my own thoughts as I sipped my latte.
Later that day (8:43 pm)
Cameron is coming back tomorrow, and has no where to stay. So Jaren invited him to stay with us. I was getting bored using Jaren's setup to play rainbow six siege, and as if on perfect timing, Cameron called me on Skype. I answered without my face cam on, still in my game.
"Hey Cam. Don't know if you were calling and expecting Jaren, or if you knew I was on his account." I said, shooting someone in the game.
"Nah, he told me you were playing." He explained. He sounded a bit tired. I mean, it was 4:39 in the morning for him.
"You sound tired mate, arnt you supposed to be asleep for your flight in literally 3 hours?" I asked, a bit concerned. He yawned.
"Yeah, I am.. But I couldn't sleep. Which is weird because I normally get great sleep before flights, or just in general." He explained, sounding a bit exhausted. Just then, he turned on his face cam to reveal him shirtless as he rubbed his extremely tired eyes. A light blush went across my face.
"Come on mate, don't let me be alone here." He said. I turned on my face cam. I was just in a large shirt that went over one shoulder, and my headset, with the light from my screen illuminating my face. He stared at the screen for a moment.
"Whatcha looking at mate?" I asked, genuinely confused. He shook his head.
"N-Nothing." He stuttered. I watched him mess with his light brown hair as he leaned one elbow on his desk.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Where stories live. Discover now