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Cameron kept staring at me. I didn't know how to react. He'd look away and blush every time I'd catch him.
"Y/n, your turn, Truth or Dare?" Toby asked.
"Uh.. Truth?" I said, as more of a question.
"Pussy." Mason mumbled under his breathe.
"Alright, who do you have a crush on?" Toby asked.
No no no no no no non nonononononononono
"Uh." I looked around. John winked at me as a joke.
"Um." I glanced at Cameron. He seemed sad.
"Who is is Y/n?" Jaren asked.
My heart was racing and I didn't know what to say.
"Want me to rephrase? Since you don't have a crush." Toby offered.
I nodded, relieved.
"Ok, who do you think is cutest here?" Toby asked.
There was no doubt.
"Jeez, I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings." I responded.
"You don't have to say whose least, just say whose most." John claimed.
"Uh." I looked around a bit, observing everyone's features. My eyes landed on Cameron. His gleaming ocean eyes and his, silky soft looking dirty blonde hair and his sharp jaw, and his tall slender figure and his-
"Well we know the answer now, since she won't stop eye fucking Cam!" Jaren yelled. I blushed a deep red, hiding my face in my sleeves.
"Is that correct?" Toby asked.
I glanced at Cameron through my sleeves, he was blushing and giving me a light smile. I nodded, hiding my face again. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, it was Cam.
"Nothing to be embarrassed of mate, I think you're cute too."
My. Heart. Exploded.
hOlY fUcK gOd HeLp Me NoW
I started breathing sort of heavy, but it wasn't noticeable. My face was still really red.
"Alright Y/n, whose your victim?" Eric asked. My head shot straight toward Mason with a devilish smile, making Cameron laugh.
"You're fucked cunt!" Jay yelled, laughing.
I pointed directly to Mason.
"Truth, or, Dare." I said, still creepily smiling, which frightened Mason.
"D-Dare?" (No shitting you, I accidentally wrote D-ad instead of D-Dare.. 😂)
"I dare you to play seven minutes of heaven with..." I looked around at everybody, my eyes landing upon Jay. His cheeky smile instantly dropped.
"With Jay." I said, winking.
Jay and Mason gave each other a look.
"BUT WAIT!! there's a catch.." I said, evil giggling, making Cameron have the cheesiest smile on his face.
"One of you must come out with a hickey.. On your neck." I said, crossing my arms as both their faces got red. Eric was laughing hysterically, making Mason glare at him.
"Come boiz, to the closet with you now." Matt said, guiding them both to the nearest closet, which happened to be upstairs in my room. Everyone was now sat on my bed, or on the floor, as the two boys went into the closet, Eric locking the door behind then. I heard Jay verbally gulp.
*mild smut ahead 😉😏*
Mason POV
We stood awkwardly in the closet very close to each other. So close, that I could hear his breathing, which was very heavy. I exhaled.
"So, M-Mason.." He stuttered.
"Jay." I replied.
"Whose gonna-?" I started.
"Ah Fuck it."
Mason smashed his lips into mine. I kissed back. Both of us were very aware this wasn't part of the dare. I took off my sweatshirt, Mason taking off his shirt. Mason attacked my jaw with nibbles. He then got a lot more gentle as he kissed down my neck, once he reached my sweet spot, without knowing or thinking, I let out a soft moan. He continued to suck, kiss, and nibble at that spot, then moving on to another spot. Once again, as he his a spot right below my ear, I let out a soft moan. He continued to do the same for that spot. I felt myself getting hard at all of the stimulation of the nerves in my neck.
Mason POV
I could hear his hitched breathing as I nibbled at his earlobe. I could feel him squirming. As I kissed slightly lower, I felt his thigh go between my legs. He grinded his thigh against my already hard member, making me moan vibrations into his neck. Suddenly we heard an alarm go off from an iPhone. My eyes widened.
As Eric's alarm went off for 7 minutes. He unlocked the door.
"Are you guys gonna come out?" Eric asked, nervously laughing.
We heard them mumbling things to each other.
"Mason give me my phone." Jay mumbled to Mason. Soon after, Jay seemed to have gasped.
"Mason!" He growled. Jay bursted out of the closet, angrily running into the bathroom that was connected to my room. Mason ran after him, stopping as Jay locked the bathroom door behind himself. We all looked at each other. I had a worried look on my face.
"Maybe we should let them situate themselves.. Let's go." I led everyone out of my room.

Lovely (Goodguyfitz X Reader) (A forever unfinished story)Where stories live. Discover now