11 | The Devil's Spice

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"My, my, my, look at you. Got dolled up nicely. Come on, do a little spin for me," he says while spinning his index finger. Though embarrassed by the request, Y/N chuckles and twirls exaggeratedly so that the man can see the entire dress. Loui grins upon seeing the Eiffel Tower design on the back of it and can't help but make a comment when she stops.

(1) "Ooolala. Magnific, visage de poupée," he says while clapping for the lady. She smiles and shakes her head while smoothing out her dress again with flushed cheeks. It's beginning to turn into a nervous habit.

"You're looking snazzy as well, my good sir." She laughs while stepping closer to him.

"Oh, what? This old thing? I was wondering if the stripes were a bit much." He chuckles while scratching the side of his neck with a finger. Y/N shakes her head at him again.

"Not at all. I think it suits you."

(2) "You're too kind, mon cheri." Without warning, Loui picks up the woman's hand to place a gentle kiss on the back of it. "Shall we?"

Y/N can't help but giggle at the man's actions as she nods. The bartender smiles and lightly tugs at the hand he holds to bring her to the table. Loui kindly pulls out the young lady's chair, which she thanks him for as she sits. The blonde then pushes her in before she removes the purse from her shoulder to set it under the chair. The table is set up nicely, like a restaurant would have it, with clean, white dishes, polished glasses and silverware and a red tablecloth while a small, glass vase serves as the centerpiece filled with a small amount of water in the bottom and three beautiful, pink peonies.  When Loui takes a seat across from her, Y/N glances down at her meal. A small bowl of vegetable soup sits beside a plate of perfectly prepared lasagna and sautéed artichoke. All that resides in their glasses, however, is water, which she is fine with.

"You made all this?" Y/N stares at the man in surprise. It all looks and smells delicious. Loui can't help but smile at her as he nods his head while picking up a spoon.

"Of course. I wanted to make a good meal for my favorite worker." He grins, though, he unknowingly made Y/N feel uncomfortable again. She really isn't comfortable doing something like this with her boss. This isn't some business meeting. It's a date. Just the thought makes her cheeks heat up as she scoops up soup with a spoon. She lightly blows on the hot food before placing it in her mouth. It was then that the amazing flavor hit her tastebuds.

"Holy crap, Loui, this is amazing! You should open a restaurant too," she compliments while going to try the lasagna, which she figures will be just as incredibly tasty as the soup. She was right. The man's insides warm slightly as he smiles, glad his guest is enjoying the meal he made.

"Aw, you're too kind, doll face. Wait till you get to dessert. I make a mean tiramisu." When the blonde winks at her, Y/N's smile falters slightly as she brings a bite of lasagna to her lips, catching him off-guard.

'Did I say something wrong?'

"Hey, Loui?" The man hums softly with a brow raised, not letting his concern show on the outside. He then notices how she avoided his gaze while likely fiddling with her fingers beneath the table nervously. She reaches over to grab her glass of water to sip the cool liquid before speaking.

"Why did you ask me out? I know you said it was because you don't have anyone to hang out with, but why me of all people? We don't exactly know each other all that well."

'Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Y/N. I've had eyes on you since the moment we met.' Of course, he couldn't outright say that to her. Loui has no intention on letting her in on his little secret anytime soon. He doesn't want to frighten her away, after all.

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