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I wiped my tears off my eyes and cheeks and looked straight at Conrad. "What do I need to do?" I ask determined to be an excellent Luna, I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. But I need to do this, I need to be the Luna this packs need and deserve. Conrad tells me that the first time that we were attack by rouges (which was over a week ago) the pack managed to capture some rouges. And just now I'm getting informed about this, I really need to be more involved in the things that happen behind the closed door of Mat's office.

I begged Conrad to take me to the cells, which I managed to convince him. He was not happy about it, but I really needed to do this, and by my own. When I entered the hallway of the cells it smelled like blood, dirt, and suffering, it made my nose burn like hell and my eyes water.

"That's the one" Conrad said as he pointed out a cell.

"You are the best!" I say to him and he just rolled his eyes.

"Don't take too long" I hear him say.

"Wouldn't dream about it" I replay to him. Let's see what do we have here. As I enter the cell, my gaze looks at a man about the same age as Mat. He had dirty blond hair and chocolate colored eyes and olive skin tone. He looked up at me and smirked. He is chained at the wall as I asked Conrad and Sebastian to do. "The Luna, what a pleasure" the guy said with a smile on his face and he bowed his head at me, but not for respect at me, but as if I humored him. I just rolled my eyes and toke out the knife from my boot and placed it on his throat.

"Tell me why have there been two attacks of rouges in my territory" I say as I move the knife from one side to the other. "Honey if your mate didn't take out any information out of me, what makes you think that you can?" So he wants to play dirty? Fine. Let's see how dirty I can get my hands. "Would you give me a second?" I asked politely to my guest. "Sure, I have all the time of the world" he said as he rolled his eyes.

I walked out of the cell and into another one. I return to the cell of my guest and bring with me a girl with hazel dark eyes, dark brown hair and tan skin. I place the knife in her neck. "Would you talk now?" I ask him. "You couldn't, you aren't cold blooded." Said the guy with a smirk on his face, but what he doesn't know is that my blood became cold the moment my father abused and rapped me and it became even more colder the moment I saw my mate laying on that bed fighting for his life. "Wrong" I say as I stabbed the girl in her shoulder. I hear her scream and so does her mate. "Now would you talk, or would you rather have me cut open her throat, and give my dogs her blood to drink?" I ask as I pulled out the knife from her shoulder and placed it at her throat. "Fine! I will tell you everything you want to hear" he said begging me to leave his mate alone. "Now that's more like it" I say and smiled at the guy. I pull out a share and sit down, and just listen to everything my dear guest had to say.

1 hour later

"How did you managed to get the guy to talk?" Asked Conrad as we made our way into the pack house.

"I have my ways" I say and wink at him playfully.

"You sure as hell do" he said rolling his eyes.

"But to answer your question I used his loved one against him" I say and Conrad just wide eyed me.

"His mate" he said, and I just nodded.

"Believe me when I say that if you want to get information out of someone, use their loved ones against them" I say

"It's good to know that Matthew was pared up with someone that can outsmart him" he said as I laugh.

We arrived to the pack house not long after. I took a much needed bath, since I wanted to get rid of the blood I had all over my body. After I took the shower, I put on a sport bra, then one of Matthew's hoodies and some loose pants. I walk up to his hospital room, and sat next to him as I always do. I looked at his pail face. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little. "Come back to me Mat" I say as my eyes cloud up.

1 Week Later

It's been a week since I last talked to the rouge. I spent the day with the pack and the nights in Matthew's room, holding his hand. I don't eat as I'm supposed to do. I don't sleep. Luca have been helping me run the pack. So to that I'm for ever grateful because I would have lost my mind running one of the biggest packs in America all alone. But I had the guys right beside me guiding me.

At the beginning the wolves weren't happy that the unexperienced Luna would be taking charge since their Alpha couldn't. I will constantly hear gossips that I wasn't prepared for the position, or that I would lead the pack to it's ruin. I will just shake off the gossips. I tried to keep myself busy. I will from time to time go see the puppies, which were more than happy to see me. Some times I would lead the packs training.

But when the day would be over, I will go and see Matthew. The doctor gave me some pills, so that my body could heat up and would fall asleep. I will sometimes talk to him, just to tell him how my day went or to just tell him how much I missed him. I move my forehead so that his hand is touching it. I start to sob, as I think of what would become of me if he didn't wake up. That's when I felt it. His hand squeezed mine. And his green forest eyes meet mine, they were looking right into my soul.

"I love you" he said with his husky voice.

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