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Mat leads me out of the plane and once I set foot on the ground, my air is knocked out of me when someone lunches themselves onto me. I hear Mat let out a frustrated sigh and I see him rubbing his temple. "Let her go Isa" He says annoyed while he tries to pry me from this girl's arms. I look at the girl standing in front of me from head to toe. She is wearing a pearly smile that can light up the darkest of rooms, her hair is a wavy long dark brown color, she has hazel eyes, and tanned shin. I hear Mat clear his throat, and I lift my gaze and look into him eyes, he only smiles at me.

"Alex this is my little sister Isabella"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Isabella" I say as I smile at her

"I'm so excited to have a big sister. Living with four older brothers is not easy" She says.

"I can imagine. I have one" I say as I smiled to her.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad" Sebastian chuckles which Isabella only rolled her eyes at him. I let out a small laugh remembering the sibling bickering me and Mateo always had. Mat drop his arm around my shoulder and once again I look up at him. "We better get going or else my parents will have my head for not arriving in time" I nod my head and we enter one of the two black jeeps that where parked near us. Lucas got in the front and me and Mat got in the back, while Conrad, Sebastian, and Isabella got on the other jeep.

Not long after, we arrived at a massive house. It's even bigger than Mat's. The gates open once they saw us and the guards bowed their heads at us. Mat opens the door for me and leads me to the two big doors. He pushes past them, and we enter the living room. There is a big chandelier hanging from the top that glitter all the room. Two white sofas are in the right, the in front is a transparent coffee table. To the left is a dining table which also had a chandelier hanging above it, only smaller. I'm mouth open with this place, it's gorgeous. Mat squeezes my hand, and I smile at him. All my nervous washing away.

"They are here!" A voice from inside screams out in excitement. "Honey come quick! They arrived!" Soon a stunning woman comes towards us with the biggest smile on her face. She opens her arms wide and wraps them around me. She squeezes the life out of me, and I feel like I can't breath. "Bianca let the poor girl go" A voice from behind said. I look up and see Mat, but only older. It's fascinating and scary how much they look alike. "This is going to be so much fun! We are going to have tea time and cook together and have girl time away from these crazy men" He say while squishing me more. After a long moment, the woman let go of me and smiles at me, I smile back at her. She takes some steps back to meet her mate and they both look happy to see all of us.

"Mom try not to scare her too early into our visit" Mat said, frustrated by the way people have been jumping into my arms to welcome me. The mother only shushed his son and Mat rolled his eyes at.

"Welcome to our home Alexis" The man said with a smile on his face. "We have heard so much about you. I'm Stephen and this is Bianca" He tells me gesturing to his mate.

"Thanks" I say shyly and try to take cover under Mat, I hear him let out a small chuckle.

"She will warm up to you guys, she is just nervous to meet you guys" He says to his parents while he rubs my back in a comforting way.

They both smile and laugh a little. "We told her not to worry, you guys are not that bad" Sebastian said, and I couldn't help but let out a growl of warning. Which was returned with a wink from him, and I only rolled my eyes at that. "We are going to unpack; we will see you guys at dinner" Mat said and took my hand and lead me up the stairs. We entered at the second door and the room looked so warm. The walls were a light blue color and the curtains on the window were white. There was a desk right next to the door and the bed was in the far-left corner.

I sit down on the bed and watch Mat put doing our bags and he looks at me with a predator look on his eyes. He jumps onto the bed and cages me between his arms. He leans down and kiss me with such passion. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked looking at me directly into my eyes and I just nod me head. He gets off me and take out his hand, which I take, and he leads me down the stairs and through the back door. Once outside the snow covers me trees, small bench that was placed perfectly looking at the horizon. I smile at Mat and drag him to the bench. I clean the snow and I tug Mat to sit next to me on the bench. "I like this bench" I say as I lay me head on his shoulders.

"My dad built this bench for my mom, and mom is obsessed with it" He says with a small chuckle. "She always drag us out her on Christmas to take family pictures. While she enjoys the pictures, we are always freezing out buts" Mat said remembering that moment and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle, imagining all of them shivering while Bianca is smiling at them all excited.

"Hey, don't laugh. This year is your turn to be in the pictures. So, once you are freezing don't come to me looking for warmth" Mat said tapping the tip of my nose. I scrunch my nose at that and Mat lets out his contagious laugh that I love so much. I lean upward and kiss him in the check. He freezes and looks at me for an answer. "What was that for?"

"For everything" I smile and move my gaze up front to see my surroundings. I snuzzle into Mat's chest and just lay my head there forgetting about everything and just thinking about the two of us.


"NO!" Isa growled at her four brothers

I for example have no idea what is happening since I was so deep in food. Bianca's food is amazing, even better than Mat's. Which got me thing king that she was the one that thought all three of them to cook. I look around and Isa has a frown on her face, Bianca and Stephen are laughing and the brothers and all looking angry at there sister. I was about to ask what was happening, but I was cut off. "You are not inviting a boy to our family tradition" Conrad said.

"IT'S DINNER! IT'S NOT A FAMILY TRADITION!" Isabella screamed to the top of her lungs, while standing up, making her words more dramatic.

"Could you guys tune it down?" Mat said, clearly tiered and frustrated about the topic at hand.

"Shut up Mat!" Luca exclaimed, which took me off guard since Luca was always the silent one that always watched from a distance. I look at Bianca and Stephen and they both look as surprised as me, but soon after they bursts into laughter and I could only imagine why.

"This is useless" Isabella said and just slumped in her sit, while crossing her arms around her chest and having a frown on her face.

"Is dinner like this every time?" I asked to Stephen and he only smiled at me.

"Always, it gets quite with only us three living here, but when the boys come back home, they always have some sort of fight with Isabella, but since Bianca and me enjoy them so much, we just watch and laugh." He said and I could finally understand. I smile and enjoy the bickering that was once back around the table, between Isabella and the four brothers.

My possessive AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora