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The car ride to his house was silent. And it was a long ride. "You can take a nap if you want" he says with a sweet voice. "No, don't worry, I will keep you company" I say and smile at him. He delivers me a warm smile, that melts my heart.

Not long after our little conversation we arrived at his house. It wasn't a house, it was a mansion. He guides me throw the doors. As we step in I can hear voices coming for the living room. "Back so early Mat?" I male voice called out. "See, I told you that he will ditch the party, now give me my money" another male voice said. "That's not fair, he was supposed to stick for another hour" a different voice said. "Did you guys bet on me?" Mat said as he guide me to the living room. "Well what else were we supposed to do? You hate does things"

"Guys I want you to meet mate, Alexis" Mat said with proudness in his voice. "You are shitting me right?". "These Alexis are my brothers, Luca the guy that asked me why I was back so early, Sebastian the one that won the bet, and Conrad the one that bet that I will stay one hour longer at the Gala" he said. "It's nice meeting you" I said, Sebastian comes to give me a hug but was stopped my Mat. "Come on dude! I ain't going to steal her from you" Sebastian said. I move past Mat and give Sebastian a hug. "Welcome to the family" Luca said with a smile on his face. I nod and thank him.

I was really tired so Mat toke me to his room. Which is mine now, our room. But I see that he is going to lay down on the bed and I freaked out. "Can I sleep alone tonight?" I asked him, his features changed and he looked mad. He toke a deep breath and look at me. "Why?" He asked. "Just for tonight, I promise" I sat begging him. "Okay, but only for tonight" he says as he gets up from bed. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room. I got into the bed and drifted myself to sleep.

Matthew's POV

It hurt me that she didn't want to sleep next to me. Put I let her, I didn't want to push her. I know that Max is whining, but I can't do anything about it. I tried to sleep, but I just couldn't. Until my eyes just felt heavy.

Alexis's POV

"Mhm, where am I?" I ask robing my eyes

"Why am I tied to the bed?" I ask, felling scared

"So you think that just because you found your mate, you wouldn't be mine" I cried, it couldn't me him

"You are mine, and mine only" he said as he kissed me.

Matthew's POV

I woke hearing screams coming from my bedroom. Alexis! That's the only thing that crossed my mind. I ran out of the room that I was staying and busted into my room. I see her turn and scream. She was having a nightmare. A really bad nightmare. "Please, leave me alone" . What is she dreaming about? I decided to take her out of her misery and shook her until she opened her eyes. She jumped up and started throwing punches at me. "Leave me alone"
"I hate you"
"why would you do this to me" Shit, this is bad.

"Hey, hey it me!" I tried to calm her

"Where am I?" She asked

"You are here with me remember?" She looked lost, but recovered quickly. She notice it was only a dream. "You okay?" I ask "No, yeah, I'm sorry I woke you up" she says as she lowers her head. "It's okay, let's get you to bed" she nodded and got back to the bed. She laid down and let out a sigh "can you stay here?" She asked me. I tried to hid my excitement "Yeah, sure" I say as I move to my side of the bed. She gives me her back, and I just stretched my arms and wrapped her in them. Letting her know that nothing bad will happen to her.

My possessive AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now