New Moon Gala

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The Next Day

I woke up relaxed, I felt clean. The first night I could properly sleep. I slept like a baby. The first night in a long time that I don't fall asleep bawling my eyes out. "How did you sleep Hermosa?" I can hear his husky voice ask me how I slept. I answer him with a big smile. He knows very well how I slept. "Yeah, I know you slept well, since it's 1:00pm" he says. Shit, I haven't picked my dress for the Gala. "I have to go get ready!" I shout to him. He looks at me with a smile and walks out of my room, giving me privacy to get ready. I have exactly 6 hours to get ready. That's enough time, right?

I turn on the shower. I wait for it to be extremely hot, just the way I like it. I jump in and just relax. I relax my muscles, because if I meet my mate I don't want him to see me all tense up. I toke my time in the shower. I get out and rap a towel around my wet body and hair.

I enter my closet and see some dresses. Choices after choices. Which one do should I pick? "Pick that blue gown that is off shoulder" I hear my brother thoughts, through his mind-link. "Don't do that Mateo!" I say and I can hear him laughing. "But deal, I will wear that one" I say as I smile at the gown. "I really hope you find your mate Hermosa. I want you out of this hell hole" he says with a trace of sadness. "Yeah, me too" I close my side of the mind-link and pick up the gown. I put it over myself and look at the mirror. Wow, my brother really has a good taste of fashion.

I blow my hair with the blower. Then I straighten my hair. After that I start making curls on my hair. I hear a knock on my door. I shiver, I hope it's not him. I walk out of the closet and up to my door. I open my door "what's up BISSSSSSH!" I let out a breath knowing it was just Lola. She is dressed so beautiful. She has a short but not to short peach colored dress which has a floral print just at the bottom. She is wearing some black high heels. Her makeup is beautiful and so is her hair.

"You aren't even dressed?" She says

"Yeah, I was making my hair. By the way you look stunning" I say

"Thank you honey. I love what you did with your hair, but now let's do your makeup" she says as she lifts up her makeup bag. She made my makeup and wouldn't let me see myself on the mirror. I put on my gown and some white high heels. I finally get to look at myself in the mirror. I was surprised at how I turned out. I looked amazing. The dress made my skin looked beautiful, my hair popped out more, the makeup was a masterpiece. "You look amazing Hermosa" I hear Mateo say as he is standing next to my door frame. "Thanks Mateo" I say as I blush. "Well let's go! I don't want to be late" said Lola as she pushed herself through the door. Only making me laugh.


We finally arrived. My nerves were pilling one on top of the other. What if my mate doesn't like me? What if he rejects me? What if I don't find him? Questions filled my head. "Will you stop with the "what if's?" My Wolf Lexy calls out to me. I just couldn't help it. I was very nervous. But I pushed them away. I got out of the car and entered the Gala with Lola by my arm.

We enter the main room, where all the werewolves were talking, dancing, eating, etc. Then it hit me. A wave of pine tree and rain. I knew it. My mate was here. "Nope! I'm not ready for this" I said to my wolf as I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom.

Matthew's POV

I hate this things. I hate the New Moon Gala. But well my Beta force me to come. Being the youngest and powerful Alpha out there it's not very easy to make friends. Everyone fear me. They just don't look at me. Not that I want to talk to them anyway.

And that's when it hit me. The smell of cinnamon with sugar. I look around. Looking for the person responsible of that intoxicating smell. That's when I saw her. The most beautiful girl in this whole Gala. My mate. My beautiful mate. She is wearing an off shoulder gown. It's skinny, which made her figure pop out more. Her makeup was beautiful and so was her hair. I look as she leaves the room to enter the bathroom.

I fallow to the bathroom and wait out there, waiting for her to come out. It felt like an eternity and I could hear my wolf whine. And that's when the door popped open. I know it's her. I grab her wrist gently and pushed her up against a wall. She looked scared and startled.

"A-alpha Ma-atthew" she stutter as the phrase came out of her mouth. I toke a sniff of her scent. And it was really her. My mate. I will never get tired of her scent. I notice she relaxed and toke a sniff of me. And that's when she notice that she was mine, and only mine. "Is this guy bothering you Alexis?" So that is the name of my mate. I snarled and growled "MINE" he takes a step back, but before I notice, Alexis went under my arm and stand in between of this wolf and me. I growl not liking her being this close to another wolf.

"Take it easy Matthew" she says, putting a hand on my chest.

"He is just my brother" as she says that I calm down. I look as he gives her sister a hug.

"Are you going with him?" He asks

"Well that depends on him" she says, referring to me

"Oh, well do you want to stay? Or do you want to come home with me?" I say. She gives her brother a look and then answered me.

"I will go with you" she says and I let out a big breath I didn't even knew I was holding.

"Take care of my sister Alpha Matthew" her brother stretchers his arm out for me to shake, and I shake it.

"You bet I will" I say

"I will pick up my stuff tomorrow morning" I hear Alexis say to her brother.

"Then let's go" I say as I hold her hand and lead her out of the Gala.

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