Chapter 25: Fight Back

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All the blood, all the scratches, all the tears, all the sweat.

It felt like an eternity until we saw an actual exit.

This place is like a maze, and even though we kept fighting, it felt like we were never getting out of here. But I refuse to give Elijah the pleasure of putting is back in the cages like we are some wild animals. Like we are his property.

Newsflash Elijah, we don't belong to anyone, and especially much less to you.

Me and Erika kept up our fight and were one of us loosed balance the other one will recover it. We were so in sync that nothing could stop us. Except one thing.

"Give it up little girls" A golden male wolf spoke to us with a snarl.

Me and Erika exchanged looks and we snarled back at the wolf. After numerous encounters we had to change into out wolves, but they were still high on adrenaline. It was just one wolf, one wolf keeping us from out freedom. By the smell from behind him, out that door, there should be a forest. We don't know if it would be safe to be running around a forest, we know nothing about. But anything is safer than this place.

The golden wolf gave us a wolfy grin and nodded his head. Out of a dark corner came out a a werewolf holding onto two syringes filled with a purple liquid.

Shit, wolfsbane

Erika without thinking twice went and attacked the golden wolf. I saw everything flash in slow motion. This is what they were hoping for. I saw the werewolf walk to Erika, but before he could inject her, I pushed her away and felt a pinch in the back of my left leg. I whined but shacked it off. I can cry about it once we get out of her.

I stood my ground with a growled showing off my canines to the werewolf, who was just cursing me out.

"Stupid girl! That was supposed to be for her! Not you!" He screamed at me, and I took the opportunity of his distraction and pounced on him. The syringe came crashing down onto the floor and the smell made the four of us a little dizzy. I scratch the neck of the werewolf, and when I looked back Erika had already snapped the neck of the golden wolf.

We were free

At least for now...

Erika ruffles her face with mine and looked at me. I nodded my head telling her I was okay. Even though we bonded as friends, in a weird way. We weren't part of the same pack, so we didn't share a mind link.

I start to walk but before I notice I lose my balance; I land on the floor and whine a little. Stupid wolfsbane, it was already affecting me and my wolf. Erika helped me up and I rested my wolf onto hers and started walking away from our biggest nightmare.

That even though we escaped it, we both knew It was not the end of it.


After what seemed like miles of walking, we found a like. Erika helped me up to it, and I drank some water, and placed my body slowly onto the soft grass. If I don't get help soon, I don't know what could happen to me, worse case scenario I die. I didn't see how much wolfsbane was I that syringe, it could be a small fraction, which will only make me weak. But if it was a lot, I will get disconnected from my wolf and die, a slow and painful death.

I close my eyes to rest for a while, when suddenly mine and Erika's ears perked up. Someone was close, and they were charging straight towards us. We both stood up and got on a fighting stand, I nudged Erika to leave and safe herself, but she is a stubborn she-wolf, and wouldn't leave me behind. That made me smile, just a few hours ago she was bickering with me about being a princess. Now she won't leave my side to safe herself. If it were another, maybe they would have left to dead.

As the sound of rustling became louder, we stood our ground and growled and snarled out canines. When out of nowhere a giant black wolf jumped out of some bushes and pounced onto me. It slammed me against the grass and snarled it canines at me, but I didn't back down either. Even with my weak form I will not be pushed around. I snarled my canines back and the black wolf on top of me looked stunned. I look into it's deep eyes, it's green forest eyes...


I let out a breath and Matthew let out a happy howl. He licks the side of my face and purrs in an affectionate way at me. I smile at him lazily and he backs away, looking at me strange. He already figured at something was wrong.

He looked around until his eyes landed with Erika's emerald green ones. She shrinks back and hid behind Luca's wolf. Matthew starts to snarl at Erika while he stalked towards her. Luca let's out a warning growl, but Matthew ignores it. I gather the little strength left in me and I run towards Erika and shield her, Matthew get's an off look in his eyes, but he knows better than to defy me.

He frowns, but he follows my wishes to not hurt her.

"Give me something Alex" He plead into our mind link. "I know something is wrong with you, and I know you are weak. Just pull through and tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." I said as he nuzzled his face with mine.

I took a shallow breath and concentrate it. I know for a fact that this mind link is going to drain me fully, but it's the only way to communicate with him.

"Wolfsbane" I tell him, and his eyes widened, and with that I felt my eyes get weaker by the second until I collapsed, and everything went black.


I felt tingles in my arm, and I try really hard to open my eyes. I hear the beeping of a machine, so I'm guessing I'm at a hospital. I move my figures a little and I hear shuffle next to me.

"You awake babe?" A concerned voice asked.

I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at the person next to me.

"There you go. Always knew you were a strong little thing" Matthew said with relief and pride in his voice.

"I missed you" I rasped out, my mouth dry.

"I missed you too baby. I love you" Matthew said as he planted a kiss to my forehead, and I gave him a weak smile.

I love this guy with all my heart. 

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