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                                                                           The Next Day

I wake up wrapped around strong arms. Mat's scent is so intoxicating that I could just lay here for ever. "Good morning Amor" he says with his husky voice.

"Hey" I respond as I move my hand through his hair.

"I wanted to ask you a favor" I say

"It's to early for favors Amor" he responded chuckling

"It's serious" I say as I playfully slap his chest. He looks into my eyes waiting for the request I wanted.

"Iwanttotainwiththepack" I say

"In English Alexis" I notice he is getting impatient

"I want to train with the pack" I blow out and I notice Matthew tensing up.

"No" that was his respond. A cold "no." I can't help but to get angry. He is not letting me train.

"What do you mean "no" I asked as I got up from the bed.

"Amor, I don't want to fight" he responded trying to get me back to bed with him. He grabbed my arm gently but I pulled it away and walked out of the room, ignoring his attempts to call me.

I just can't believe it. Why can't he let me train with the pack? UGH! I shifted into my wolf. I haven't let out my wolf in a long time. It's big for my human size, it has my ocean eyes and is a dark brown color. I ran and ran. I just wanted to clear my head.

I ended in a really nice water fall. The water was crystal. The air was so pure. The grass looked like it was alive, it was soft. I laid down on the soft grass and drank some water. It was so refreshing. After a couple of minutes I sensed a big presence around me. I turned around with my head up high. I will not submit to him. I stood my ground. He may be the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack but he is not my Alpha. I have Alpha blood in my system too. And as he is the Alpha of this pack I am it's Luna, and I have as much power as he has over this pack.

He looked down. Now that's a first one. The ruthless, cold hearted Alpha of them all, is bowing his head down to me... "I don't want to fight Amor" he said though his mind link.

"Well you should have thought of that before denying me the opportunity to train with the pack" I say as I turn my back at him.

"DON'T TURN YOUR BACK AT ME" he didn't just used his Alpha voice on me. His MATE! At this point my blood was boiling and right now a wrong move from him or me could end up with one of the biggest fight in the werewolf history.

"Don't you dare us that voice on me! I AM YOUR MATE!" I say as I snarled at him. He looks down, preventing eye contact.

"I'm sorry" he says still avoiding my eyes.

"I just- why do you want to train with the pack? I can protect you" he said

"I know you can protect me. But I'm not a damsel who needs to be rescued. I know how to defend myself. And beside it's a good opportunity to excersis" I say as I walk up to him. He looks at my eyes with sadness. What is up with him?

"Fine! But you will not leave my side" he responded looking at my eyes. I could't be more happy. I jump on top of him and liked his ear as a sing of appreciation. He looks at me with happiness, as if I just lighted up his dark world.

We walked back home. I took a bath and to my surprise Mat was not on the bed. So I decided to look for him. As I found myself up in front of his office, I walked right in. I see him with glasses on, shirtless and with a file on his hands. As he felt my presences he lets go of the file and opened his arms to me. I walked to him and sat on his lap and kissed him. He knew I wanted comfort. He snuggled me and I happily accepted his affection towards me. He kissed my forehead, and I drifted into a deep sleep, on the arms of my everything.

My possessive AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now