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We both sit on the edge of the bed and we are both looking at the floor. I let out a breath and fidget with my fingers. I do not know how to start this conversation. Should I start with the phone conversation? The back story? The fact that I said loved to someone else? Or should I just apologize?

"I'm sorry" I said with a nervous tone on my voice.

"You shouldn't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. I was the one that was out of line"

"You had every right to be angry at me." I say and take a deep breath, then continue. "But you should know that I love you, and that I will never cheat on you. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I will never do anything to ruin that" I say and look down to my hands.

"Who was that on the phone?" He asked not looking at me, but right ahead.

"It was Mateo" I say

"And what were you talking about?" He asked this time making direct eye contact with me

"My best friend" I say

"What happened with Leo?" He asked a little concerned. I am glad that he cared about my best friend.

"Not Leo, before Leo I had another best friend named Elijah" I say and once again I move my gaze down to my hands.

"And?" He asked lifting my chin up so that I could see his green eyes.

"He went missing on the day of his birthday about six years ago"

"What happened with him?" Mat asked and I took a deep breath and I look at my hands and stop fidgeting with them.


I wake up extremely happy. I prince around my bedroom and change into a light blue flannel with a white tank top under it, I put grey jeans and my brown snow boots. I look at the clock and its still 9:00am. Still 3 more hours until Elijah's ceremony. I walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I notice Elijah's styled black hair; I see he is talking with Mateo. I sneak further into the kitchen and then I run up to Elijah and I jump onto his back, circling my legs around his torso.

"Hey there little monkey" He said with a chuckle and I smile. I have always considered Elijah my best friend, he has always been there for me. I get off him and smile at him. His perfect smile shines bright and his crystal blue eyes have a spark of excitement in them.

"Are you excited about the ceremony?" I asked clapping my hands in excitement

"I am. I just hope this girl will be my mate" He said

"Not fair, we share everything and yet you proceed to decline me the information of this girl you have a crush on" I say crossing my arms around my chest and putting.

"Aw, now don't go and get jealous, you know you are my number one girl" He said as he taps the tip of my nose, I just scrunch my face and flip him off. Elijah lets out a chuckle and then flips me off.

"He has a right to keep it a secret, you would have harassed the poor girl" Mateo said from behind the counter.

"You are not helping" I said pointing a finger into his direction and he just lift his hands in surrender.

We spent the last 3 hours just chilling the three of us. We where in the living room watching a movie when Elijah's phone buzzed. He picked it up and look at the ID caller, it was his mom. "Yeah, I will be there in 5" Elijah said and then hanged up. "Guys I have to go and get ready. I will see you at the ceremony" He said standing up and giving me a kiss on the check. I nod and me and Mateo see him walk out of the house before we both walked back up stairs to get ready ourselves.

After my shower I did my hair, and then my makeup. I dressed in a sleeve long grey dress, with my brown snow boots. I made my way downstairs and then outside. I walked for about 5 minutes and then, the music, chatter and all the decorations came into view. I chatter with some friends and with the older wolves of the pack and walked all around the place. Not long after I arrived, soon came Elijah. He was dressed in black jacket and grey sweatpants. He smiled at people and talked to those who wished him a happy birthday. I waved at him and his smile perks up.

"You look amazing" He said as he took my hand and he made me do a turn. I smile at him complement.

"You could look better" I said

"Not my fault I have to dress like a homeless guy" He said rolling his eyes. "Everyone here is dressed so nice and I'm in jacket and sweatpants" He said letting out a frustrated sigh. I giggle at his reaction and he rolled his eyes at me.

Soon after the ceremony started, and the Alpha, mother and father talked and then it was time. The ceremony consisted in Elijah transforming into his wolf and his wolf sniffing out his mate, if he or she was in the pack territory. We watched as Elijah undressed himself up until his boxers and then he began to shift. His bones cracked into place and soon a black wolf with blue eyes was standing in front of us. He lifted his nose up into the air and then he let out a growl. Was his mate not from or pack? He started to show his canines, and Mateo step in front of me to protect me. But what the hell is happening?

"Mateo let me through" I said, but he didn't budge.

"He is frustrated, he can hurt you" Mateo said, and I only rolled my eyes at him. I pushed Mateo out of the way and stepped carefully towards Elijah, his eyes looked almost completely black, which meant that his wolf was near. "Elijah, it's me. You need to calm down. What's wrong? Come on talk to me" As I stepped closer to him, he let out a growl, but he laid down on the floor and he looked at me with big puppy eyes. I opened my mind link and stated talking to him.

"What's wrong, what happened?" I asked through our mind link

"It's not you" He said in a whimper

"What?" I asked confused as to what he just said

"I thought you were going to be my mate, but you aren't" He said

"Elijah..." I say

"I love you Alex. I love you more than just my best friend" He confessed

"I-" I am speechless

"Let's run away together. We can start a family and we can life happy" He said with a happy tone and I notice his tail move with happiness.

"Elijah, I can't do that. It wouldn't be fair to my mate nor to yours" I say as I take a deep breath.

"If you aren't my mate then I don't want a mate" He said

"Elijah..." I breath out

"Run away with me" He said once again, but I moved my head from right to left.

"I can't Elijah, I'm sorry" I say with tears in my eyes.

"SCREW YOU ALEXIS. I WILL KILL YOUR MATE. YOU WILL BE MINE!" And with that he closed his part of the mind link and ran off. My legs didn't hold me, my knees hit the white snow.


"I haven't seen nor heard of him since" I say as I finish my story, and I wipe away the tear that appeared.

"I'm sorry" Matthew said, he lifts my chin up and looks at me in the eyes. "But if you had run away with him, you wouldn't have met me" He said, and I let out a giggle. He is right, and I really could not imagine a world where he is not a part of it.

"You are right" I said as I gave him a kiss on the chick

"Did you love him?" Mat asked

"I did. But only as a friend" I said

"That's a relief" Mat said and then he holds my face with his two hands and kisses me with urgency and passion.

"I love you so so much" He said through the kiss

"I love you too" 

My possessive AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now