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Matthew's POV

I wake up and see her sleeping peacefully. I can't help but wander what was she dreaming about yesterday night, that she woke up screaming and throwing punches. I take a deep breath and inhale her toxic aroma. I get up and she starts scrambling looking for my heat. I put my pillow on her arms and she just hugged it like there was no tomorrow.

I toke a cold shower and put on some clean boxers and some sweat pants. I hurry down stairs and into the kitchen. I grab a bowl and eggs. "Is she okay?" Asked Sebastian, scaring me. "I-I don't know" I responded with total honesty. He looked down to his bowl of cereal at which he resumed to eat. As well as I resumed to crack the eggs and batting them together.

I hear the door of our bedroom open. And I snap my head up. Sebastian notice my reaction and chuckled, I looked at him and throw an angry glare at him. I then see my mate come down the stairs. I didn't hesitate to ask her. "You slept well?"
"Yeah" she responded looking at the floor.

"It didn't look like it" I say as I close the space that was within us.

"No, yeah. Don't worry about me" she says and that's when my heart ached.

"Of course I worry about you. You are my mate" I say while lifting her chin up and looking deep into her eyes. Those beautiful oceanic eyes that I could stare at for the rest of my life. "I won't let anything bad happen to you" I say as I pull her closer for a hug. She gives in and hugs me back. As she does, she rests her head on my chest. Giving me spark of electricity. She pulled out of the hug and looked at me. In which I let out a low growl, at the coldness my chest got when she pulled out f the hug. She laughed at my reaction and planted a kiss on my check.

"Will you go with me to pick up my clothes?" She asks, and here I thought she would like to go alone to say goodbye to her friends.

"Sure, let's eat and then we can go" I say and she nods.

"I'm not in any kind of danger here am I?" She asks referring to the food. I hear Sebastian laughing.

"If I were you I wouldn't eat that" he said. "You have a better chance of surviving with the cereal"

"I'm a GREAT cook!" I say to him as he leaves the kitchen. Leaving me and Alexis to burst into laughter.


After a long drive, we finally arrived to Alexis's pack territory. As we entered, people will give us weird and worried looks, as to why was Alexis with me. I rolled my eyes to the looks that were giving to us and just keep driving. We pulled at a big house, and there was her brother waiting for her in the porch. "It's good to see you Alexis" he says as he gives her a big bear hug.

"I have missed you too Mateo" she saw as she pulls away and smiles at him. Mateo looks at me and gives me a warm smile, which I return but maintain my posture. And that's when I heard it. "You are alive!" Called a voice from behind me. It was another wolf. He runs past me and jumps into Alexis's arms. He starts giving her kisses all around her face. At this moment I can't control my anger and my eyes turn pitch black. I pull him off of her and growled at him "MINE"

"It's okay Mat, he is just my best friend" Alexis says as she pulls my arm for me to direct my full attention to her and not that pup.

"AND? YOU ARE BEST FRIENDS WITH ANOTHER MALE WOLF?" I snarled at her, but she is not frighten of me at all. She stands her ground and glares daggers at me.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me" she says pointing a finger at me. I take a deep breath and calmed myself. I inhaled her scent. She runs past me and goes to help that pup. She holds her arm out for him to get. I snarled at him to be careful at to where he putted his hands.

"Now, Mat this is my best friend Leo" she says. We were interrupted at the voice of an old man. "Honey! It's so good to see you" at the sound of his voice, I notice that Alexis flinches away and Mateo's expression changes. "Come give daddy a kiss" he says. But I notice that there would be no movement from Alexis. So I decided to push her into the porch and into her fathers arms. I notice as he gives her a kiss on the check and she just stands there awkwardly. There's something here that Alexis hasn't told me.

My possessive AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin