Izumi and the New Team Member

Start from the beginning

"And, Sai?" Naruto seemed intrigued as though trying to prove something.

I thought again, "Well, I can't say since I haven't seen it specifically, but if I had to guess... It's probably white and very ambiguous. He just seems like the sort of person that very hard to read."

"See that just proves it!!!" Naruto announced suddenly causing Sakura and I to jerk a little at his sudden intrusion, "Sasuke's way cooler... No... He's just better!!!" he decided on his own.

Sakura smiled and giggled a bit as I couldn't help but smirk all the same, "You're right..." She admitted, "Sasuke is somewhat cooler than Sai."

"What do you mean 'somewhat'?! Sasuke's way better!!!"

. . .

It was finally time to meet up at the village gates and as was expected both Naruto and Sakura were wearing bitter expressions once more. I looked at Tenzo Sensei for a moment as we exchanged weary faces, "Right then!" he managed as he turned his face forward once more, "Team Kakashi Departs!"

We hadn't been walking very long when I noticed just how much Naruto was checking Sai out. I was about to say something when... "What is it?" Sai questioned Naruto's stare.

"I guess they are a little alike... The voice too..."

"Please, stop staring at me..." Sai said in what must have been his usual stoic tone, "Don't make me hit you."

"Every damn thing you say just pisses me off more!!!" Naruto roared clenching his fist as the dark-haired boy.

"I don't have any malice towards you."

"Liar!" Naruto accused with a pointed finger.

"I'm just trying to put on that kind of attitude."

What does that even mean? I wondered as I stared at the boy a bit myself. He was definitely curious...

"Aha! You do have malice!" Naruto declared before letting out a growl as he went on, "Why the hell are you here?!? All you do is piss people off!!!"

I sighed turning to our captain as he sighed himself, "Hey, Hey!" He put in gently giving the blond a stern look, "Don't say something like that in front of your captain, Naruto... Teamwork and cooperation are the most important things in a team. I thought Kakashi already taught you that. Someone like you in a team with the great Kakashi... What's with you?" He asked Naruto.

"It's because he's not a member of Team Kakashi!!!" Naruto objected pointing once more at the other boy, "The other member of Team Kakashi is... Sasuke!!" I gulped lightly weaving my fingers together at his mention. I was once more starting to feel the hole that the young Uchiha had left in his wake. Everyone else was silent as Naruto glared at Sai whose gaze remained vacant as ever, "This guy is... Just taking Sasuke's place. Someone chosen to fill the gap." He argued, "I'll never consider someone like him as a team member!"

I felt the tension rising as I held my hands together even tighter. Sai smiled, but as with before it was empty, "Well... I'm glad you think of me that way." He said sounding almost genuine as he continued, "I wouldn't want to be likened to... The weak shit-for-brains Orochimaru's clone who only cared about power and ran off to Orochimaru betraying the hidden leaf."

Holy frick frack... I shivered taking the chance to hide behind Tenzo Sensei, "I'm scared..." I muttered softly peeking over the brown-haired man's shoulders, "Does that guy have a death wish, or what?"

"You bastard..." Naruto was about to attack Sai when a hand in front of his face halted his actions.

"Truly, the most important thing is teamwork." Sakura interjected suddenly, "Sai..." She called her attention to the dark-haired boy, "Naruto... Since he doesn't know you that well... He just said too much... I'm sorry..." the pink-haired girl apologized for her teammate's actions, "Please, forgive Naruto..."

"Sakura..." Naruto mumbled softly.

"Mmm..." Tenzo Sensei hummed turning his head down feeling a touch of relief wash over him, "I'm glad at least one of you is responsible..."

"I feel like I should take offense to that..." I said under my breath before remembering who we were talking about, "Ya know what... You're right she probably is the only responsible one.

"Think nothing of it." Sai answered Sakura's apology.

"Well... That's good..." Sakura smiled at him thankfully before sending her fist directly into his face.

"Then again I could be wrong." I admitted with a slight shrug of my shoulders.

I managed to get this chapter out in time! I wasn't sure I was going to since I was out of town most of the weekend, but I did the thing. Also only Izumi's POV this time. It felt strange to change it in the middle, so I just left it this time. I'll try to write from another character's perspective next time probably... I really don't have much to say today, so until next time!

-- Amy

From Darkness to Light (The Little Senju Series Book Two): A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now