To trust

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While the four set out on their journey to find the mate of the daughter of the moon goddess, they first had to get to know each other, and to also gain each others trust. The only member of the group who had a suspicion was Kouta. To him the girl seemed kinda strange, easy going, and also to trust worthy. He thought she was a ditsy,nonchalant, blonde girl, who was spoiled. But something in his heart was telling him, that she was familiar, and that he somehow knew her. When he would look into her eyes, they would pierce his soul, and then flash backs of his child hood he would reminisce in again. To the others he was in a daze, everytime he would look at Beary, the twins thought that he liked her, after one look. So they felt a little disgused that he touched them, but in their hearts they knew that he was their long lost mate so, they couldn't hate him for long.

                                                                                Kouta's POV

Whenever I gaze at her blue eyes, they seem to pierce my soul, and rummage through my heart. Then they replay a something that I don't quite remember. It always gives me a major headache. Why does she seem so familiar to me. Maybe...she', no don't be serious, she doesn't have the scent on her, but their is somthing about her scent that is so familiar to me. I don't know, this girl is very mysterious, yet she feels known.

                                                                                No one's POV

While Kouta looked some what distant from the others, Ichiru started to get worried, because the four of them wondered to nowhere fast, and didn't know where to exit. He and Ichiro had been so caught up in the conversation that they had with the moon princess, that they were walking to nowhere very quick. They were in a moonlit covered forest, that showed the might of the moon, and stars, now they're in a very thin yet thick kind of fog bank, and don't know where to head to now. Then they started to hear growls, and saw fiery red eyes. Then Beary broke her silence and spoke seariously. "There is approximately 12-20 rouge hunter wolves surrounding us right now. The best way to get out of this safely is to fight." "But what will happend to us, if they split us apart?" Ichiru asked startled from what he heard Beary said. "Just cover your eyes, and everything will be okay" she said with a serious look on her face. "*Scoff* and what do you plan on doing little lady. Shoo em off with massive chattering?" Kouta said mockingly. Beary just ignored him and knelt to the ground, and placed her palm on the dirt that surrounded us. She then stood up, and had her hand up in the sky. After 5 minutes, a blue lightning bolt came from the sky and was now in her hand. "Close your eyes, and crouch down now" she said.Then with fine whirl around her head holding the blue colored bolt, rit acted like a whip, when she released the bolt it struck down the rouges wolves, sending each and every one of them flying in the distance.

Kouta gave a shocked expression of what had happened. He felt a little saafer though knowing that Beary was on their side and not anybody elses. Bit by bit he started feeling like he was acting like a total jerk for shunning her off bluntly and not being atleast like a protector to her. "Sorry." is what he muttered then ran off my himself. Not to far from his mates, but not to close to his little sister.

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