All Good Things Come To An End

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It's the day of the funeral. Clad in black, hair done in curls, make up light but dark. The day is cloudy. It's raining outside. The doors are open to let out some of the heat and stuffiness in the funeral home.

I stand at the back greeting guests with Zak. I see Nancy and who I'm assuming is Zak's father. Zak never mentioned his dad so this is the first time I'm meeting him. They hug us and apologize for our loss.

"I'm Larry. Zak's dad." The man says shaking my hand.

I just nod. Three more people come in. They introduce themselves as Meredith, Sky, and Phil. They don't shake my hand or hug me. They look at me like I'm vermin. The mans, Phil, mouth twists into an evil sneer. Like he knows something I don't and wants me to beg to know what it is.

I look him dead in the eye with a glare so strong it might have hurt him. If looks could kill, he'd be on the floor already. I follow his eyes into the home. More and more people show up until it's time for the service to start.

Zak and I walk up the aisle to the casket. I clutch his hand as mine are starting to shake. I haven't seen her yet.

What if she's horrible? Terrible? Scary and horrifying like the thing in my nightmares?

I stop in the middle of the walkway. Frozen in fear.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Zak whispers crouching in front of me

"I can't. I can't do this." I whisper.

"Why not?" He asks.

"I'm scared of what I might see." I say.

"C'mon. I'll be right next to you the entire time. I promise if you get scared, I'll let you sleep with me tonight." He says standing.

I nod and take his hand again. We make it to the casket and stop. Mira lays there peacefully. It looks like she's sleeping. I know that she's dead though. I held her in my arms as her life gave out on her.

I found out that she was suicidal. She had stopped taking her medication and killed herself. I read the papers from the hospital. Her medical files told me all this. I started taking my medication because of it. It helps a little.

As I stand there, staring down at the body of my sister, the tears well up in my eyes. I let out a choked sob as I fix a stray hair on her head.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

"Let's go sit down, sweetie." Zak whispers.

He places his hand on my boulder and leads me to the front row. People talk about her. Old friends, adoptive family, relatives from said family, the crew, Zak even stands up and says a few words about her.

When he sits back down I know I have to go up and talk about her. I twist the ring on my finger. I take a shaky breath and walk towards the podium. I reach the podium and stare out into the people who have gathered around. I grip the sides of the podium so tightly my knuckles are white.

"Mira... was a great person. I feel like the months I got to spend with her, I got to know everything about her. She was funny and kind and caring. She used to talk to me late at night when we couldn't sleep. She was like my best friend, my other half...." my voice breaks "and I'm going to miss her. As will everyone else who knew her."

I let the tears fall and my voice breaks again.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I say shakily.

I step off the podium and make a run for the door. The heels I'm wearing slow me down. I don't know who's idea it was for me to wear heels. As soon as I'm out of the home and in the grave yard, I crumble.

I fall to my knees and sob. Horrible, wretched sobs, shaking my body until I feel nothing but numb. A pair of arms wrap around me and I fall into them. I don't know who it is and I really don't care. I wrap my arms around the persons neck and sob into their chest. I inhale the sharp scent of Axe Body Spray. I can't place the exact scent. I sob harder and the person runs my back in small circles.

A couple minutes later I sit back and wipe my eyes. Jay sits in front of me with his legs crossed and tears in his eyes.

"I ruined your suit." I say trying to wipe the tears off his dress shirt.

"It's okay." He says.

"Thanks for coming out here." I say.

"You're welcome. I understand how hard this can be for someone as young as you." He says.

"Especially after everything I've been through." I mumble.

"Yeah..." there's a moment of silence as we sit on the grass next to a headstone. "I remember the day we almost hit you with the RV." He whispers

"You do?" I ask

"Yeah. I was listening to something on the TV and I heard Bacon yell 'what the f*ck?!' I looked up as we swerved to the other side of the road. When we stopped I was the first one out. I held the door open for them and I even helped clean you up. You looked like you'd been through hell. Bleeding all over the couch and the tub. I remember looking over at Dakota for the first aid kit and seeing him stand there in shock. He was like 'oh my gosh!' I remember going to the hospital and listening to the doctors tell me that you had claw marks on your chest. We thought it was a bear but it turns out it was a wolf. A wolf of all things. Then I remember the doctor telling us who you were. I remember calling your aunt and telling her the good news and hearing something in her voice that made me tell the guys that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to take you back. I was right in saying that, but I should have done something to stop them." Jay says.

"I didn't know that." I whisper.

"I didn't tell you for a reason. I didn't know how you would take it." Jay says

I smile. He's a very calm person. Nothing bad is ever near when Jay comes around. He has an aura about him that radiates peace.

We sit on the ground for a while until the people start to flood out with the casket. My life is going to be a lot different now without her. The house won't be filled with girly giggles, or screaming when a spider jumps out of somewhere. She's not going to be there to talk to me about things.

She'll be at peace and I'll have to live with it. I can't bring her back, but I'll have people I know and love to help me with everything I'm going through. I know my life will get better.

She would want this

I stand and follow the crowd to the burial site. The priest says a few words and we start tossing dirt into the ground on top of the casket. The rain had stopped and the sun was breaking through the clouds.

As we all walk away, my hand in Zak's, I stop at turn to the sun. I feel a smile tug at the edge of my lips. For a moment, standing in the warmth of the sun, I feel her spirit. I feel her standing in front of me smiling with that big goofy grin she had. I feel her lean in and whisper in my ear.

"Just have some Faith."

And then she's gone.


I want to give everyone who read this book a huge thank you.

FUCk_if_I_KnOw69 especially because he helped me with so many important parts of the writing and coming up with ideas. A loyal friend that I care about deeply (even if you get on my nerves)

Thank you to everyone who added this book to their libraries and/or reading lists. You are all so amazing and I appreciate you reading my book. Thank you for voting as well I love you all for that.

Unfortunately as the title says, all good things come to an end, and as far and the book is concerned, this is the end. But don't worry. I have a little somethin brewing in my creative pot of soup. You'll be getting a lot more of faith and her crazy life.

But for now you'll have to deal with everything I have up. So thank you, the reader, the third person, the best person, for reading this. For voting. For adding this to your reading lists. Thank you.

- C

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