What?! Part 2

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My phone call with Zak went well. I cried like I knew I would. Gracie tried to comfort me by putting her head in my lap. I scratched her head as I talked to Zak.

At least she knows I was only yelling because I was sad.

After the call ended I turned on the TV and started watching Ghost Adventures. Zak's voice helped soothe me into a restless sleep. I open my eyes and I expect the morning sun. I'm greeted by darkness and the hum of a car engine.

I'm not in my house anymore and I know it. I try to move but my hands are tied. Literally tied. I yank on the rope but it only digs into my skin. I see the blood running hot down my wrists. I start to scream as I'm gagged. This isn't a dream, this is a nightmare.

No no no no no. Not again. Please not again.

I'm tied up in the back of a van. I was walking home from school when it pulled up and some guys got out. They used chloroform to knock me out. I'm struggling to break free from the restraints. The blood keeps dripping from my wrists. I start to hyperventilate. My breathing is laboured and I'm crying. Or am I sweating? I don't know anymore.

Get me out, get me out.

Just as I can't stand the pain anymore, the van stops. The doors to the back of the van open, sending blinding light inside. I squint as my eyes adjust. The two men standing in front of me are awful. I'm dragged out of the van and into a warehouse. The scene changes.


There's a fire under me. Three men emerge from the shadows. They yell at me to let the fire burn me. To let it eat me alive. I yank my feet up and wrap the chain around them I pull myself up and I'm no longer upside down. I yank myself up the chain and start climbing. Suddenly I'm back down on the ground. I'm gasping for air in the hot room. It's full of smoke. I'm not attached to the chains. I can't breathe though. There's a pair of hands around my neck and they start to strangle me. My vision blurs and then I'm in a different place.


I'm strapped to a bed and someone is over me. The knife in my thigh stings every time I move. The man grunts and then gets up and shuffled around in the dark. He yanks the knife out of my leg and leaves. I scream and scream trying to get the memory out. I try to pull myself out of the nightmare.


Suddenly I'm waking up in a field. I'm half naked and bleeding. There's a growl from behind me. A grey wolf saunters over to me. I scramble to my aching feet for a quick escape from the creature in front of me. It's huge and snarling at me. Hackles raised and growling, I know it's hungry.

The wolf growls and lunges for me. I swing at it trying to look intimidating. I miss and it knocks me to the ground. It sinks it's claws into my chest and tears the flesh. I punch it in the head. It whimpers and runs off. I'm bleeding profusely. I walk until I can't see anything. I'm out of my senses. I can't think straight and I'm mumbling this stupid nursery rhyme my mom taught me.


"Тили Тили бом
Закрой глаза скорее
Кто-то ходит законом
И стучится в дьерм"

(A/N: if you cant read this, the pronunciation and English translation will be at the bottom of this chapter lol sorry I love this creepy as lullaby)

"Тили Тили бом
Кричит ночая птица
Он уже пробрался ьдом
К тем, кому не спится"

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