Surprise! I've Been Adopted!

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*Five Months Later*

I sit with the four other girls in my group. It's been five months since I started to remember things and since my aunt started hitting me. I remembered why I hated her. After an 18 hour drive the boys dropped me off there. Aunt Rachel started hitting me right after the RV was out of sight.

I couldn't even use my phone without her slapping me across the face. Sometimes I would literally wake up the a fist in my stomach. I'd distract myself with my old cellphone. My phone had so many old memories in them. My lock screen was a photo of me and my parents when I was ten. They died in a car crash. A drunk driver hit them.

Zak and the guys had written down their phone numbers so I could keep in touch with them. I called them each, every day and left messages about how my day has been and what's been happening in my life. The cast on my leg was taken off about a month ago. Since I had open wounds, they had to use staples to close them and wait for them to heal so then they could put the cast on.

The cast on my arm was new. I was in a tree with Melissa in the foster home when I slipped and fell out of the tree. We thought it was pretty funny that I've fallen out of a tree twice. We laughed at that. At least Melissa and I have matching casts.

When I first arrived here, I was in the room alone. The girls had an overnight school field trip and weren't due to come back until the next afternoon. I was so scared that they would hate me, I gave myself an anxiety attack. The next afternoon the girls arrived. I was sitting in the window seat reading a book I found when all five girls burst into the room, giggling and talking. I looked up at them so scared. They stared at me like they knew me. Luckily, they all greeted me warmly and treated me like I had been there all along. They were life savers when it came to showering. I couldn't get in and out of the shower with the wheelchair or the crutches so they brought a chair up so I could sit and shower.

I love all the girls here. Afsana blesses the room we share. Once she taught us how to pray in Arabic. She prays two times a day, Once before the rest of us wake up, she said it was called Fajr and that it ends when the sunrises, and once at night, she said this one was called Isha. Once before prayer time she asked if we would like to join her. We all happily joined her in her prayers just before dinner. She's also really smart, everyone adores her.

Katie was abandoned as a baby. The ladies who run the place adopted her. She loves hanging out with the girls here. She told us the boys are rude and smelly, I expected as much. Boys are always messy and smelly.

Melissa was living with her Grandma and after her grandma passed away she was sent her. It was in her grandma's will. She never knew her mother and she vaguely remembers her dad.

Alexis and MJ, the twins, Literally left their abusive household and showed up here. They said their Cousins hated them anyway. The only way you can tell the two apart is the way they wear their hair. Alexis has one braid off to the right, MJ has boxer braids that split down the middle and rest on both her shoulders. They're also deaf. but that doesn't stop them from gossiping to us after a long day.

The girls are gushing over a TV show and how the guy is hot. I turn to look. I see Zak on the screen. I didn't know he was on TV.

"Hey, I know him." I say.

"No you don't silly! You dont just meet people like him out on the street." Melissa giggles.

"Oh yeah? How much you wanna bet I don't know him Melissa?" I say challenging her a little.

"Twenty bucks on the spot." She says.

Melissa and I have a love- hate relationship. We can be jerks to each other or we can be best friends. This is just the middle ground. Either way at the end of the day we still end up laughing about it.

I pull out my phone and call Zak.

"Watch." I say.

"Hey!! What's up?" Zak answers.

That's unusual seeing that he's the only one who doesn't answer the phone when I call. It took me a while to call each of the guys everyday because I thought they thought I was annoying. Until Jay called me one day and asked how I was doing after not hearing from me in a week.

"Hey Zak! One of my friends doesn't believe that I know you. Can you help me prove her wrong? Also since when are you on TV?" I ask him.

Just then the door swings open and Zak is standing there with the phone held to his ear and a shit- eating grin on his face.

"You never bothered to ask, so I never bothered to tell." He says hanging up his phone.

I rush over to the doorway and throw myself into his arms.

"Oh my god, you were serious." Melissa says in awe.

All the other girls sit in shock as the man on the TV stands in front of them.

"Alright so Faye why don't you get your stuff all packed up. We'll be leaving pretty soon." Zak says walking outing the room.

"Wait, why?!" I call after him as he heads down the stairs.

"Oh you didn't hear? Your getting adopted." He says.

Then it all clicks. Holy crap, I'm being adopted! By Zak! Of all people! I honestly couldn't have been happier. I get Melissa to help me pack up my suitcase.

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