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*Faith's POV*

I sit at the dinner table eating dinner with Zak and the guys. We typically eat all together, even if we're in different hotel rooms. Dakota, Mira, and I share one room. Zak, Aaron, and Bacon share another, which is the one we are all in right now. Jay, Billy, and Mike, the audio guy, all share another room.

I finish eating and get up to clear out my trash.

"I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm really tired and I smell like chlorine. Goodnight guys." I say

I hug them all, except for Bacon and Mike, goodnight and leave the room. I slide the keycard into the slot and watch as the light turns green. I enter my room and immediately wrinkle my nose.

There is a pungent smell of something metallic filling the room. I know something is very wrong right away. I look towards Mira's bed and find it neatly made, the bed I share with Dakota is also made. Room service wasn't supposed to come.

I walk around trying to follow the odor and gag when I pass the bathroom door. I yank my shirt up over my nose and open the door. A wave of nausea rolls over my as the smell gets worse. I squeeze my eyes shut and ball my shirt up into my nose.

I open my eyes and my eyes land on the tub. There is a bloody hand dripping blood hanging out of the side. Mira's bloody hand.

Oh no.........

I let out a blood curdling scream as I run and drop to my knees in front of the tub. I yank Mira's cold body up and out of the tub. The smell of blood fills my lungs and I gag. I lean over to the toilet and throw up into it. There goes dinner.

I clutch my twin sisters body trying to stop the flow of blood gushing from her wrists. I scream again. An agonized scream full of pain and sorrow. I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand as I cry over her. I weep and wail for what seems like hours. I hear someone pounding on the door to the room. I ignore it. I don't want to see them.

I know it's a lost cause. I gently lay my sister down on the cold tile with her arms folded across her chest. I close her empty dead eyes and get up. Dripping from the blood water, I get up and pick up the phone on the bedside table.

I dial 911 and wait as it rings.

"911 what's your emergency?" A kind lady says.

"My sister.... she committed suicide." I mumble into the receiver.

"Okay ma'am, are you okay? Do you know your address?" The lady asks

"No. She's laying on the floor of a hotel bathroom, dead. Can you just get someone over here please?" I ask

"Okay ma'am. I'm tracking your location now. Please remain calm. Dispatch is on the way." She says.

There's a few rapid clicks on a keyboard and on a mouse.

"Do you know what floor your on? And what room your in?" The lady asks after a moment.

"Fifth floor. Room 786." I say.

"Okay. Ma'am dispatch is outside your hotel I need you to open your door and let them in when they knock, okay?" The lady says.

"Okay." I say.

I feel more tears fall down my face.

"They are on your floor ma'am, open the door." The lady says.

"Okay." I mumble.

I shove the phone into back onto the holster ending the call. There's a knock on the door and suddenly I'm opening the door. Paramedics rush in, shoving me to the floor. One of them helps me up and leads me out of the room. I see the boys standing against the wall looking worried. Someone wraps a blanket around me and hands me over to Zak. He holds me tight and sobs.

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