Hospitals and People I Should Know

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Hours later I'm all cleaned up and in a hospital room. I don't remember much but I remember I absolutely HATE hospitals. I remember this one time I was climbing a tree with a friend in middle school, I slipped and fell out of the tree breaking my arm. I was in the hospital for three days afterward because of the concussion I had. There's a tiny prick in my arm and I start to get drowsy.

"It's okay hun. This is just gonna help you stay asleep through your operation." the nurse says.

"But I don't like that game." I mutter and the I'm out.

*one week later*

I open my eyes and gasp.

I can see everything around me crystal clear.

I'm in a white bed in a white room with a black TV. There was a small vase of flowers on the table by my bed. Beautiful red roses sitting beside me. The door opens and my head whips towards the sound.

I must have had my mouth open because the men that walk into my room chuckle. They are all dressed in black clothes. One has glasses and a funny looking hat. Another is bald with a beard. The third looks like his name would be Billy. The fourth has a piercing going straight through the back part of his ear. The fifth one looks like a lost puppy following them around.

"Heyyy. You're awake." Says funny hat.

"What's up, Faith?" Says beard guy.

They wait for me to respond.

"Are you the boys who helped me other day?" I ask quietly.

"Yes we are. I'm Billy. This is Jay. That's Aaron. He's Zak and the guy in the very back is Dakota. We all helped clean you up a bit after we nearly hit you with our van." Billy says pointing to each guy.

"Your hat is funny." I tell Zak quietly.

I feel like if I say it too loud, he'll get mad at me. He doesn't get mad, instead he pulls his hat off sheepishly.

"So... how did I get here?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going.

The guys tell me about everything, starting from before I got into the hospital.

Apparently I've been missing for little over a year. My uncle was arrested six months after my disappearance. He was questioned and found guilty of paying a large group of people to hold me hostage and eventually kill me. For a whole year my Aunt Rachel has been trying to find me.

The boys said they don't know how I escaped but I broke several bones, was stabbed, gave myself a minor concussion, walked into tear gas, walked into barbed wire, got attacked by a wolf, got shot, and was almost hit by their van in the middle of an empty South Dakota Highway near the Black Hills National Forest. The boys took me to Sioux San Hospital in Rapid City, where I've been for the past week in a coma like state.

I don't say anything. I just nod my head and sit quietly. There is a fear that if I say something, these men will hurt me in ways I feel like I know.

I can vaguely remember my Aunt Rachel.

"Yeah... So you really don't remember much?" Aaron asks.

"I mean... I remember my name and age." I say softly.

"Well that's a start." Jay says.

The Nurse comes in.

"She needs to get her rest. She'll need it if she's traveling back home with you." She says shooing them out.

Once they're gone the nurse explains to me how Jay knew my aunt. They went to college together and they kept in touch over the years so she trusts him to bring me back safely.

"Oh. Of course. Well my aunt seems like a nice woman considering I should know her." I say.

The nurse chuckles and tells me to eat my jello. I like jello. It jiggles when you shake it and for some reason that makes me giggle. The nurse lets me watch some TV an tells me how to work the remote with my casted arm.

I'll be in a cast for a bit, the nurse said it was a clean break no splinters. My leg on the other hand will be in a cast after I get the staples removed from the deep knife wound in my thigh. My leg is being propped up in a very sturdy brace and under that is a bandage wrap keeping my leg in place. I saw the X- Rays. I have a really really bad fracture in my lower leg and another on in my femur and to top this sundae off with a cherry, I broke my knee cap. I'm doing great as you can see.

I continue to eat my jello and watch a show called Adventure Time. It's pretty funny. I fall asleep with the empty jello cup in my hand.

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