Chapter 23

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My mind was hazy after last nights events.

The last thing that I remember was taking a drag from his new cigarette. Then doing some more until I couldn't see straight and my mind was fuzzy. But the only thing I did feel were his lips. All over me. Making me scream and whimper in all the best ways possible.

The sounds of mumbles and mutters make my ears perk up; but my eyes stay closed. I don't want to open them and I'm not in the mood for the bright lights to shine down on me.

"I just can't believe it." Someone says. It's a girl's voice. Sounds familiar.

"Me neither. I just...why? Why him?" Someone else says. This one being a guy. Sounds familiar too.

"We don't know if Gallo is the one who gave her...that!" A different girl's voice whispers towards the end as her voice too sounds familiar.

Pretty sure it's our friends.

"How do you know for sure?!" The same male voice whisper-yells only thing is that his voice goes higher towards the end. Indicating that it's Peter.

"Because!" The first girl says and by the way she's saying it sounds a lot like Alena.

"There's no proof until she wakes up and tells us. That's the problem. We need to wait." The voice sighs and I can immediately tell that it's Pamela. She has a specific sigh that you can remember.

"But we still don't know if Gallo gave her that! What if it was someone else?!" The third voice from before says. Her voice sounds high pitched as well and the only other person I know who sounds like that is Sasha. So, let's hope its her.

"We don't know that!" Peter says in a rushed voice.

"Shut the f*ck up you broke hoe!" Yup defiantly Sasha. "Pam. Al. Jo. Do you guys have any logical ideas?!"

Joey is here?! Since when? He has been very quiet. Which is weird...

"I'm sorry Sasha but I agree with Pamela. I think it's better if we should wait for Sam to wake up." Joey begins.

"Agreed." Alena says butting in.

"She's the only one who really knows what happened and who gave her that hickey." Joey sighs.

My eyes shoot open as I am immediately in a sitting position. "What do you mean he GAVE ME A HICKEY?!" I yelled and didn't care if people were awake or not. My friends stare at me with a shocked expression as they quickly look at each other...speechless.

Groaning at them, I grab my phone and open my camera. I didn't need to look around my neck to see the three hickeys a lined on it. The one that stands out the most would be the one on my sweet spot.

It was big and purple; mixed in with a little bit of black and blue. A smaller one was just below my ear while the other smaller one was on my collar bone. Guess I shouldn't have worn a V-neck shirt.

My shock expression quickly turns into hatred and anger. Partially at him but mostly at myself. How could I be so stupid to trust him! Why do I keep on doing the same stupid thing! Ugh!

"I need to punch something." I grit out as I look around for something to punch. I need to release my anger. Joey steps forwards—because that's what he always does—and stands before me.

"Come at me tiger." He smirks at me as he opens his arms.

Shooting up, my fist goes flying to his chest. Then to his stomach. Then kicking him on the leg, each one. I keep on hitting and kicking him until the tears that were running down my face became clear and my sobs were heard around the room.

Looking around, it seems that everyone left for breakfast or something because no one was here besides my friends. Even Gallo wasn't here.

Good. My sobs get louder as I begin to punch and kick Joey again.

"F*ck you Gallo!" I cry out as I punch Joey in the chest.

"You ruined my life!" Another punch to the chest.

"F*ck you!" Punch to the stomach. "F*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck YOU!" I repeat and with each word another punch is thrown towards Joey's stomach.

"G-Go jump off a cliff and never come back!" Another punch to the chest.

"Y-You are a worthless p-piece of s-shit!" My sobs become worse as my punches become sloppier.

"Y-Y-You d-deser-rve t-to get high every d-day and one day..." I trail of as my words break apart and my cries are the only thing you can hear in the room.

Falling to my knees, my hands over my face as I cry into them. "Y-You b-broke m-me!" I yell as a giant sob leaves my lips. I can feel my friends comforting me but I didn't care. I just wanted today to end.

Removing my hands from my face, I meet their worried eyes. "He broke me." That's the last thing I say before going back into a crying fit.


"Come on Sam. You need to get up." Angelica says as she sees me still lying down on the mat.

I shake my head and turn my back towards her. Not wanting to speak. She sighs loudly before talking with my other friends. She knows better than to push my buttons.

I told the group what happened. I explained everything but I didn't want to leave this mat. It's the only thing keeping me safe from Gallo and his stupidity.

He came into the room right after breakfast. He looked happy and was about to come over to me but thankfully Joey stopped him and told him to f*ck off.

He's been sitting in the back of the class room ever since. He keeps on looking over at me but I don't care. I just want to go home.

"Hello students!" Our principals voice rings through the intercom. "I am truly sorry but this isn't good news. It's actually worse--"

Sighing, I look over at my friends who are rolling their eyes at whatever our principal is saying. "Is it that important?" I ask them as they nod their heads now listening. Sighing again, I decide to tune in.

"—the temperature is going to drop even more this afternoon and it isn't safe to keep everyone in separate rooms. The vice principals and I have come to a conclusion that everyone is to grab their belongings and head to the gym. Get ready kids, you'll be sleeping in the gym for these next couple of days." With that the intercom is cut and groans are heard all around the class room.

"Great. Just f*cking great." I mumble to myself as I begin to get out of my so-called 'bed'.

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