Chapter 3

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"Alright class, you heard the principle. You are to remain here. I guess while we wait, we could watch a movie." Turning on the smart board, my teacher logs into her Netflix account and we all vote on a movie to watch.

We end up watching the new Jumanji movie. Everything was going alright, that was until the smart board shut down and so did everything in the school.

The halls and classrooms were dark as the emergency lights flickered on. We heard people mumbling from other classes as many of us began to panic. My heart was beating at an incredibly fast pace, waiting for something to happen.

A bad smell came from the back of the class and from the hall. Black smoke came out as it was obvious that the heaters busted. The smell of burnt toast fills my nose and coughing was quickly heard around the class.

Our intercom turned on, "Everyone in the school report to the gyms!" He said in a rush as we heard some type of ringing in the back ground.

The ringing echoed around the hallway as it quickly turned off and my teacher rushed us out of the room.

Looking down the hall, we see everyone coming out of their classes and coming towards us. Heading down the staircase to our right, we all rush into the gym which is on the other side of the school.

Once entering the gym, our teacher tells us to remain with the group as we wait for instructions.

We all sit on the gym floor and pull out our phones but that was when the gym got louder and someone yelled "THERE'S NO SERVICE!" We all began to panic. There was no way to tell my parents that I was alright. Everything was down.

"Good morning students!" My principal rushes into the gym with the secretaries hot on his tale along with our two vice-principals.

Stepping in the middle of the gym, he begins to speak. "I know, no service but do not worry! You will each get time to call your parents as the phones at the office do work. You could speak to them then. But that isn't the reason for why I called you all down. As you can tells there's a really bad snow storm outside. We are snowed in."

That caused my heart to beat faster and it felt like I couldn't breath. I wasn't the only one who felt this way as everyone in the room began to panic, including my teacher. "Please, it's alright. Do not worry. The firemen will be here...eventually."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVENTUALLY?!" Tristan yells as he stands up, the guys quickly following him.

"I mean that once they are able to get out of their stations they will be coming straight here. But you have to keep in mind that we aren't their main priority. There are elementary schools filled with 7-year-olds who are stuck in school. Their main concern is to get them first."

"Then when the hell are, we leaving?!" Adamo asks the question we were all wondering.

My principal sighs as he looks at all of us. "A week. Two at most."

Everyone was yelling. People swearing. People crying. Others saying that they were better off walking home. I wasn't any of those people. I sat still, looking at the gym floor attempting to breath.

My eyes began to droop as my breathing became hard. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. Only thing I knew was that I couldn't be in this school for that long.

Looking around the gym, practically everyone was standing making it look smaller. Blinking my eyes, a couple more times, I realized that there was no use in keeping them open. The blinking seemed to make it worse as I began to shake.

"MISS! SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!" Angelica yells at my teacher who was rushing to my side.

My little attack or whatever was happening to me made everyone stop yelling and turn towards me. My body went limb and fell to its side. I waited for the hard floor to hit but it never came.

Someone was holding me. I didn't care who it was but by the way their fingers were brushing small circles on my left arm, I knew that it was someone who was once special to me.

The little sparkles were still there but I didn't want him to hold me. I wanted him to leave me alone. Being stuck in a school with him for a week, or TWO... I'd rather walk outside and freeze.

"She's not having a panic attack she's having a seizure. We need to bring her to the nurse." Gallo said as he was about to lift me but someone stops him.

More mumbling and yelling were happening but all of that was replaced with a loud buzzing noise.

More yelling happened and before I understood what was happening, my body was lifted and my mind completely shut down.

Only thing I was able to see was the blackness that was surrounding me.


A cold substance was on my forehead. I feel it. I just don't know what it is. Squeezing my eyes tighter, I open them and allow the bright lights to shine down on me. Hissing in pain, I close them again.

Only to hear chuckling from beside me. Not just any chuckle. A guy's chuckle. His chuckle. The one I've heard my entire life.

The one that would laugh at my stupidity when it came to the books I loved and would talk to him about it because sometimes the books would be too much for me to hands; after laughing at me he would always call me cute...

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes once more and let out a breath. "Glad someone is finally awake." He says in a happy voice that was way to loud for my liking.

"Sh." Was all I was able to say as he chuckles, again.

"Oh right, well don't you at least want to know what happened?" He suggests. I still can't see his face. My eyes are focused on the ugly patterned ceiling.

Licking my lips, I nod my head and wait for him. "Well, our heaters busted which explains the bad smell in our class earlier. Since the heaters broke, we need to wear our hoodies and anything warm until the bend of the week or next week. Over all, we need to be prepared for the worse."

"Well. Isn't that peachy." Grumbling, I pull the cold substance off my forehead. Looking at it, a smile came to my face it was a bag of ice.

Pushing myself off the nurse's bed, my head begins to spin as I was getting a head rush.

Everything turning black and blue for a split second but once I started to blink everything eased and I was alright.

What surprised me the most was that Gallo was by my side in seconds. His hand on my thigh as he looks at me.

"Are yo—"

"Yah. I'm fine." Cutting him off and pushing his hand off my thigh, I quickly jump off the bed and look towards the door. "Where's the nurse?" And quickly throwing the ice bag on the counter across from me.

"In her office. I convinced her to let me stay with you."

Feeling his eyes dark brown eyes on me, I snap my attention to him finding him a couple of steps away from me.

"Why is that?" Cocking my head to the side, I narrow my eyes at him and wait for his answer as I cross my hands on my chest.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright?"

Raising an eye brow at him, I knew he was lying. "That sounded more like a question than an answer."


"Samantha! Dear! You're awake." The blonde-haired nurse smiles warmly at me as she rushes into the room. "Let me check your vitals and then you'll be off to class. Alright?"


"Perfect." Turning towards Gallo she asks him to leave the room and closes the door right behind him.

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