Wedding Speeches

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Mickey was looking at the wedding invitation cards.
"Don't look like that, they were cheap.", Ian reassured him.
"That's not the reason I was looking" he took one of the cards "Who drew this?"
On every card were little hearts and rings and other wedding stuff.

"Katy" Ian shrugged "I Wanted to personalise them."
Mickey chuckled "You made our daughter draw on all of these?"
"Yevgeny took over after she was fed up with it. But that's okay, you can't even see the difference."
"How the fuck did we made an artistic child?"

Ian shrugged "Maybe I'm not the father after all. Do you got something to tell me?", he joked and kissed his cheek.
"Yeah, I cheated on you with Picasso, feels good to have that finally off my chest."

Ian chuckled and took the card out of Mickeys hand.
"How many people are that now?"
"Not so many, I think thrity if even. And it's a small church so it's perfect." He grinned up at his fiance.
"I was just asking, cause... what if we invited your ex boyfriends "

Ian looked up at him.
"Sorry, what?"
Mickey shrugged "Kash was already gone when I got out of juvie back then."
"You want to use our wedding to beat Kash up, who shot you like 10 years ago?"
"No, I don't want to beat him up, I want to rub in that I got you in the end. Same with that stupid old prick you were fucking. Maybe he had the big ass mansion, but I'm the one you marry. And that guy you told me about that's always flirting with you and works at that lgbt youth thing? Invite him too, I'm trying to make a point here."

Ian chuckled " and what point would that be?"
"That you are mine. Forever. Even though I don't have a big ass mansion and can't buy you room service every day. I just love you."
Ian smiled sweetly "And that's enough for me. I love you too. Okay, I'm in, let's invite Ned."
"Really? To show him I'm enough?"
"You're more than enough, hell, you're a man who gave birth to our beautiful and weirdly artistic daughter. For how much more could I even ask? But if you want to show some perv that he can't have what we have, I'm in."
"You didn't call him a perv back then."
"Having kids changes your perspective on things. If I think about Yevgeny being 15 and fucking a 40 year old, I'd kill the fucker. Same with Katy."

Mickey smiled and kissed him "You get the shovel I get the saw.", he whispered.


They had the wedding in a small church, that they made sure of, that they accepted gay couples. Even if they wanted to marry in a church for the sake of it (Because some people wouldn't want to see it and wouldn't allow it) rather than out of religious reasons.

Now they were at the Alibi for the actual party.
Ned actually came (he brought Jimmy Steve, something Fiona wasn't happy about) and right now he was coming over to them.

"Ian!" He exclaimed and pulled the ginger into an awkward hug, "It feels like an eternity since the last time we've met. You smashed my glass table at my apartment.", he said grinning.
"Yeah, right, that was a crazy time. Sorry about the table."

"Ah, long forgotten, so you two married. Who would've ever guessed that, right? I remember when I operated shotgun bullets out of your ass" he pointed at Mickey "in your kitchen" He pointed at Ian and laughed, "Hey, have you met my boyfriend already? Wait where is he?" Ned looked around the bar and eventually called a guy to him.

A tall ginger approached him and Mickey bit his tongue to not burst out laughing.
The guy looked like a less attractive Ian-double. And he seemed to notice that too when he saw Ian up close. The new version stared stunned from Ian to Ned and pulled an angry face.

Mickey let out a chuckle and Ian hit him under the table they were standing at.
"Well, maybe your money can hold him, who knows" Mickey mumbled and took a sip from his drink, knowing that Ian had a hard time not laughing right now.

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