No rappers, no turtles, no pimps, no murderers, no bullshit family members

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This one of my favourite chapter titles 🤔

We're almost at the end after this one comes the last chapter 😊😊


Mickey lay on the couch.
Ian was in the kitchen, cooking.
Kateryna sat in front of the couch on the ground.

"Baby", she grinned and poked Mickey's belly, "Baby in there?"
"Yeah, little-freckle, there is a baby in there.", Mickey smiled, "Little baby, like you."
"Do you already have a name for the new baby now?", Yevgeny asked, he sat by his sister, building something with Lego stones, "Because if you don't, you should consider Michelangelo."

Mickey looked down at his son.
"Like the painter?", Ian asked from the kitchen.
"What painter? No, the turtle!"
"Wow. I can't believe I have to say this, but we're not naming the baby after a turtle, Yev."

Yevgeny rolled his eyes, "No rappers, no basketball players, no turtles, you will never find a cool name for the baby!"
"Our other two babies are called Yevgeny and Kateryna, what makes you think we're choosing cool names?", Mickey grinned at him and ruffled his blond hair, "Besides, you don't even know if it's a boy or not."
"Wanna bet?"

Mickey looked up at Ian, who just smiled and shook his head, "That's your brother's bad influence."
"That's more the neighbourhood than my brother."
"Why don't you know if it's a boy or girl yet?", Yevgeny asked.
"Because we want to look for a name that fits for a boy and a girl and then we can know what it's gonna be.", Ian explained, "Could you help me setting up the table, Yev?"
"Why does it need to be a name for boys and girls?"
"Because your dad read too many baby and parenting books", Mickey mumbled.

Kateryna stood up and proceeded to poke Mickey's baby bump.
"Baby come out!", she said while poking him, "Come out, come out!" she giggled and grinned to her paps.
"Not yet, Katy, the baby needs a bit more time to come out."
"Just like you as a teenager", Ian grinned, earning the middle finger from Mickey and confused looks from Yevgeny.


Mickey had put Kateryna to bed, Yevgeny was allowed to finish the video on his phone he was watching, and Ian could finally crawl into bed with his husband.
"Hey, Ian, I've been thinking about your job lately.", Mickey said.
"My job?"
"Yeah, It's just... when you do evening shifts you aren't home from two to ten and you need to sleep until after the children and I are gone. With the third child around, do you think you could ask your boss to work fewer evening shifts?"

"I can try, yeah. But is the morning shift so much better for you?"
"You're here in the afternoon and help me do the whole homework-dinner-bed shit, yeah that's better. And when you work nights, you come home and help me in the morning with them and go to bed when we're gone, that always worked out great."
"Okay, yeah, I ask. Apropos baby, I did some googling on names."

Mickey sighed.
"Why do you keep pushing about a name?"
"Because you're eight months pregnant and a baby needs a name?"
Mickey rolled his eyes, "Freckle Junior."
"No. Hey, I know, you are afraid to plan anything baby related, but we're at eights months now, it looks healthy, everything's fine. Okay?"
Mickey sighed again and nodded hesitantly, "What did you google?"

"Well, I found out, that Mikhailo is the Ukrainian form of Michael."
"And Yevgeny is the Ukrainian form of Eugene. That reminded me on when we watched tangled with the kids, I said, I'd never call my son Eugene."
Mickey chuckled, "What is the point of this whole introduction?"
"I thought, since Kateryna was your mother's name, maybe we could take a name form my family's side and take the Ukrainian or Russian versions to match the other two."

"Jesus, how much can you think about one simple topic? Okay, hit me with ideas, so I can say no. What's Ian in Ukrainian."
"Ian is the Irish version of John. It's Ivan in Ukrainian."
"Mhmm, let's see. Calling my child like the man who murdered the mother of my other child? I don't think so, Gallagher."
"Yeah, that's obvious."
"Also, didn't you want a gender neutral name or some bullshit?"
"The only half way decent Ukrainian unisex name is Sasha."
"The name of the former pimp of our son's mother. Man, is it day of good ideas today?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay."
"Why should we name our kid after one of your family members? They're still alive, they don't need tribute."
"My mom isn't alive."
Mickey gave him a look, "Ian, I'm way too pregnant and annoyed to be considerate of the fact that you liked your deadbeat piece of shit mom. So, here the list for Yevgeny and you: No rappers, no sport players, no turtles, no pimps, no murderers, no bullshit family members that made us break up, including my dad, your mom and Sammi."

Ian sighed.
"We could call it Svetlana if it's a girl.", Mickey mumbled.
"No, never, not gonna happen! I know, she was Yev's mother and hey, I liked her too in the end. But I somehow have a problem with calling my child after the woman who raped and blackmailed my husband."
"Okay, is the topic closed for today? I'm tired and I want some spoon cuddle action over here."

Ian grinned and lay down next to him properly.
"When I'm not pregnant anymore, I want you to fuck me in this position, that's always fun."
"Your wish is my command", Ian mumbled and pecked his neck.

"Now I have it!", Ian said suddenly, startling Mickey awake again.
"Bitch, what the fuck, I was almost asleep!"
"No, hear me out."
"Is that still about the name thing?"
"Yeah! I thought about second names."
"We don't even have the first name."
"Our second names, Mick. I always liked the name Alex. Your name is Aleksandr. We could call it Aleksandr if it's a boy and Aleksandra if it's a girl. The nickname will be Aleks and it's gender neutral."
"Okay, if I agree, can I sleep then?"

"In a second. Aleksandr Gallagher, second name?"
"Ian, now let me sleep."
"No, come on, second names."
"Fucking hell, I can't even say if you're just excited or manic when it comes to babies. The second name is Ian. Ian McKellen is Gandalf and cool and gay, Ian Somerhalder is hot, you are hot and gay, I don't care. Debbie if it's a girl. Now shut up or I duct tape you."


Get rid of that thing in you - Gallavich mpregDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora