One Ring

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"But weddings are fucking expensive!" Mickey exclaimed.
"That's no reason to rob a fucking pawn shop!"
"Well I didn't rob it!"
"You drove the get a away car!", Ian sighed deeply and shook his head.
"To be fair, I didn't know what Iggy and Colin were planing. Why aren't you glad instead, that we didn't rob a jewellery store!"
"So, you admit, that you robbed it!"

Mickey scoffed, "Could you at least have a look on them?"
Ian sat down on the bed and sighed.
Mickey and his brothers had robbed a pawn shop yesterday for "wedding ring options"

"In a year or two, I promise, I'll buy you new rings." Mickey said softly.
"With engravings?"
"Are you serious?"
Ian looked up at him with big eyes.

"Alright, alright, engravings. But if you want church, Alibi, food, cake and new clothes for the kids, and how I know you, you probably also want new suits for the two of us, we need to keep it small with the rings for now."

Ian smiled softly and pulled Mickey on his lap, so Mickey straddled him.
"Stop worrying about the money, Mick", he mumbled.
"One of us has to." he shrugged " We could also just steal suits, and I don't get why you need to have an expensive wedding cake from some high end baking nerds."

"What do you want us to do? Have Debbie and Franny to bake a cake? Rent suits?"
"Steal flowers from the cemetery" Mickey smiled, "Why not? Sounds more like us than big church and expensive food, doesn't it?"

"You said I get my dream wedding." Ian pouted.
"Yeah, the wedding you dreamed about since you were a little girl, Gallagher." Mickey grinned.
Ian grinned and fell back on the back, pulling Mickey with him.

"Mickey, I want you to be happy with it too. But we're celebrating our relationship, and it's gotta be huge and amazing! Even Yevy and Katy want a big wedding, they're excited."
"Somehow I doubt that our two year old daughter cares about how big our wedding is, Red."

"But Yevy, and Franny too. And you know how excited Debbie is!"
"Am I marrying Debbie or you?"
"You get one Gallagher you get all Gallaghers, that's nothing new for you, is it?" He chuckled.

Mickey grinned and pecked his lips.
"Can we look at the rings now?"
"I bought you an expensive engagement ring. With engraving."
"I said, I promise to buy you new rings when we got more money again."

Ian Rolled his eyes and pulled the little box with rings up to them.
"They're very pretty actually."
"It was a pawn shop in the north side. They probably belonged to rich stupid gamblers. I will never be able to buy you more expensive ones than these."
"But they don't match. We have to have the same rings."
"Seriously Gallagher?"

Ian smiled and picked one of the rings out of the box.
"You promise we get real ones soon?"
"Lets see, if we make that first year as married couple, alright? Maybe they'll be you anniversary gift."

Ian smiled up at him.
"And could you at least consider letting Sheila make the food and the cake? She's a good cook and baker."
"Okay" Ian sighed "I talk to her about it. But I want those gay ass groom figures on the cake."
Mickey pecked his lips "So, decide for a pair of rings, will ya? My brothers want to sell the rest."


Mickey sat on the couch and helped Yevgeny with his math homework.
"Pops?" He asked when he finished another calculation.

"Last year you and dad said you want another baby. Why aren't we having one?", he asked and looked up at him.
Mickey bit his bottom lip conflicted.
He swallowed and looked at his fingers, rubbing his hands together.

"I'm sorry Yevy. You have to know... it's not so easy for your dad and me to have children on our own. We tried to have another baby, but... well, it didn't work out." He mumbled, "So, Daddy and I decided, that two children are enough for us. We have you and Katy and we don't need another baby. I'm sorry We didn't explain that yet."

Yevgeny shrugged "It's okay, pops. We have a big big wedding instead right?"
"Right... Why do you want dad and me have a big big wedding?"
Yevgeny shrugged "Everyone is so happy about the wedding. Dad is very happy the whole time, but not in the crazy way. And you are happy too, and you're even happier when Dad's happy. And the bigger the wedding the happier is dad... and Auntie Debbie too."

Mickey smiled.
"You're a Good kid, Yev.", he mumbled.
Yevgeny leaned against him and wrapped his arms around his pops.

Mickey pulled him on top of him an lay down half way, cuddling the kid, making him giggle.
"Soon, you won't want to cuddle anymore cause you're too cool for it" he grinned.
"Never gonna gappen" Yevgeny giggled.

Mickey closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying having this child with him. The two children that they had were perfect, why mess with perfection?

"Pops?" Yevgeny asked quietly "Are you sad because we can't have another baby."
Mickey bit his bottom lip. He never knew what was the right thing to say in those parenting situations, unlike Ian. But usually Mickey tried to be as honest as possible with Yev.

"Yes... yes I was really sad about it."
"Daddy-Sad?", he asked. Yevgeny didn't know what depression was, he only knew that kind of sad his bipolar dad was, when he was in an depressed episode. Mickey had always tried to explain what was up with Ian to Yev. How he was sometimes happy in a crazy-way and sometimes really sad, but that he was still his dad and it would eventually end and he would be normal dad again. Yevy knew what deep depression looked like and both Mickey and Ian felt beyond bad about their child having to know that at a young age.

"Yeah, kind of daddy-sad. Very daddy-sad, actually. But it's all good now. You see, dad and I talked about everything and he makes me talk to other people about it. It's okay that we don't have the third child, because the important thing is to take care of the two we have. And we have the big wedding to... well, to cheer him up and I guess, to take my mind off of it" he suddenly, finally realized why Ian was so into planning a big ass wedding and annoying him with colour themes and flower arrangements. It was Ian's way to distract him and take his mind off of all the stressful things around them.


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