Poor Papsy

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Ian and Mickey enjoyed every second of their honey moon.
After two weeks Fiona gave them the children back and said, that she finalised her decision about never getting one herself.

Right now, a few months later, the children were sick. At first Yevy had the flu, then Kateryna.
Mickey woke up with a dizzy feeling in his head. He woke up, because Kateryna coughed loudly over the baby phone.
"Is that Katy?", Ian asked sleepily, "She sounds horrible."
"Yeah, I check that she's not choking.", Mickey mumbled.
"No, go back to sleep, I go.", Ian got up. He had the night shift the night before and pretty much just lay down, "I didn't sleep yet anyways."

Mickey rolled on his back, he still felt dizzy, his head hurt.
"Hey, little princess, are you okay?", he heard Ian over the baby phone, "That cough sounded really bad, huh. But hey, your fever seems to go down, that's good."
Mickey smiled and sighed, he sat up and almost immediately felt sick.
He got up and quickly made his way to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.

"Hey Mick, are you okay?", Ian stood in the bathroom door, holding Kateryna in his arm.
"Stupid children fucking passed on the bullshit flu, I bet", Mickey mumbled.
Ian chuckled, "Could you turn down the cussing a notch? I make you tea."
"No, no more ginger tea"
"You sound like Yevy. Now all three of you are sick, great.", Ian grinned and rubbed Kateryna's back.
"I hope you're fucking next"
"Love you too. Come on, wash up, take some aspirin, I make you tea, maybe I take your temperature in your ass later."
Mickey flipped him off.

They nursed the two children back to health, Ian didn't catch the flu, luckily.
"Hey love.", Ian greeted him, when he came through the door. Ian and Kateryna lay on the couch, "How was the doctor?"
"Fucking flu, like I told you. Why do these cunts send their spawns to school with the fucking flu?"
"Oh, poor papsy, come here."

Mickey walked over to him and picked Kateryna up.
"Why is she sleeping?"
"Baby's nap."
"It's seven, she's gonna be up all night.", he rubbed her back.
"Revenge for keeping us up all night for weeks, come down here."
"I'll pass the fucking flu on to you too, forget it. Even though I admire your ability to still find me sexy and kissable after I puked my guts out, same goes not for me."
"You wouldn't kiss me if I was sick?"
"Maybe we don't have to find out. Come on, get your ass up, help me with dinner, okay?"


Mickey didn't tell Ian that he actually didn't go to see a doctor. He just decided that it was the flu he got from his kids and closed the topic.
He also didn't tell Ian, that he kept throwing up in the morning. The kids had been sick for two weeks each. After two weeks, Mickey made sure, Ian didn't notice him being sick anymore.
Mickey got up in the morning, Ian was fast asleep because he was on evening shift most of the time, Mickey was sick, threw up, cleaned up, drank some water and got dressed, continuing the day as usual.

He didn't think about it too much. He refused to think about it. He was sick, it was just the flu.
He just waited for it to be over again, drank his tea, took aspirin against his head aches, took care of the kids, joked around with his husband, had awesome sex when Ian and he happened to be home at the same time.

But every time he threw up in the morning his eyes fell on one of the old, unused pregnancy tests. They were mocking him, at least, that's what it felt like to Mickey.
The tests knew what was going on and deep down he knew it too.
But he refused to even admit the possibility. They were always safe since they stopped trying.
And as long as he didn't know for sure, he could just pretend nothing was going on and if he may find blood somewhere on his clothes, that could come from just anything.

But after some weeks he needed to know. It was killing him, not knowing for sure. And he needed a fucking drink and he needed to know if he could drink or not.
So, one evening when Mickey was alone and Ian already at work, he took one of the tests. Deciding that no matter the outcome, he wouldn't tell anyone.


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