Mickey's promise to Ian

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This part wasn't in the original One Shot I wrote.
I wrote it just for this FF because I felt like you deserve some wedding couple cute shit. I'll aslo add some new chapters and parts between here and the end of the story. So reading it even though you already read it actually makes sense.


After Mickey's last miscarriage they had stocked up on condoms again, but Mickey still didn't feel like letting Ian stick it into him again for a while.
Sex had just felt like a chore, a necessity to accomplish something that just went wrong again and again in the past few months.
A realisation that shocked both boys. They had never thought that they'd get to a point in their life where so many things in their relationship went wrong without them even noticing.

They put the sex aside for a while so they could "heal" – a word Mickey hated when Ian used it. He wasn't broken, Ian wasn't broken, they weren't broken - no healing needed.
But it was needed. Mickey needed to find himself again, the southside thug who was a good dad and would rather die than let Kateryna cry, who loved his firecrotch, and showed that with snarky comments and cute side glances that only Ian noticed.
They needed to become the old Ian and Mickey again, before they could take the next step in their relationship.

Ian was aware of all that – all the needed psychological work, especially when it came to Mickey. Mickey just lived like he did, not minding any healing processes too much thought.
Ian actually forced him to see his psychiatrist and Mickey wanted to be mad at Ian for that, but the fucker only quoted Mickey over and over again, from back then he had made him go to see a shrink.
And Mickey couldn't fight his own words and logic, especially not when Ian repeated them.

A good two months after the proposal, they lazily lay on the couch. Kateryna sat to their feet, drawing little masterpieces, while Yevgeny was up to no good with Franny somewhere.
"She's gonna be an artist", Ian mumbled, he lay on Mickey's chest, the older man running a hand through his ginger hair.
"Did she got that from your part of the family?"
"Debbie once had an artistic phase after her first boyfriend, but usually we get creative in other ways."

"Artistic or manic?"
"Not funny."
Mickey smiled softly, "You redheads are all crazy."
"And yet, we redheads are your favourites out of my family, right?"
"Did you ever see a Milkovich that didn't surround themselves with people that drive them crazy?"

"Katy's gonna have such a bad taste in men, oh god."
"If she's lucky, she'll find a handsome, nice, caring guy that lets her forget her insecurities and helps her to be who she really is against all odds. If we're lucky, she's a lesbian."
Ian chuckled, "Why would that make us lucky?"
"Reducing the chances of her being in an abusive relationship to a minimum. And we don't have to worry about her getting knocked up by some idiot."
"Well, we named her Ellen, she has the power of Ellen DeGeneres and Ellen Page in her."

Mickey chuckled, someone knocked on the door, and Ian made an unhappy noise.
"Come on, get your ass up, Gallagher."
"No, we just pretend nobody is home."
"Maybe it's Yevy."
"Yevy's knocking sounds different."
"You're full of shit, get up", Mickey grinned, and Ian sighed and walked over to the door.

It was Debbie Gallagher, who stormed into their living room.
"Told you his knocking sounds different.", Ian mumbled, "I'll get a drink you want some, Debbs?"
"Water please, thanks."
"What's up?", Mickey asked her and repositioned on the couch, sitting down properly, Debbie sat down on the couch across from him after greeting Kateryna with a hug.

She pulled something out of her bag.
"It's been two months since you got engaged and we have nothing planned so far!", she exclaimed.
"We?", Mickey repeated.
"Yeah, or did you think I'd let the two of you do that on your own, no way!", She got up again and sat next to him.

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