I'm a what now?

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A few days later Mickey was back to see their doctor. He let Ian at home because he drove him crazy with his theories.
"Are you feeling better since the last time Mr Milkovich?"
"Ian annoyed me with his google-symptoms theories the last days, what do you think?"

"You shouldn't Google symptoms and expect to actually have the illness that comes up."
"Last year he thought our kid had the plague."

The doctor paused at his words and then sat down, asking the man to do the same.
"So, you and your partner have a child together?" She asked.
"He's my biological child. I think the right term for Ian would be step dad or something like that" Mickey explained, "Why are you asking?"

"So, you know that you can have children?" She asked.
Mickey looked at her confused "I knocked up a girl and got a son. So yeah, it's pretty obvious that I can have children. What are you getting at?"

"No, I mean... Mr Milkovich, you're pregnant."

Mickey stared at her.
"I'm a what now?"

"There are people with a special set of chromosomes that enables men to carry children. You're not able to give birth like a woman would, you would have to deliver it through c-section. But you're a good eight months away from that."

"Great, can I have an abortion like a woman would?"
The doctor looked at him.
"You want to abort it?"
"I'm a guy! I can't be pregnant!"
"You can and you are. We're gonna make an appointment for an ultrasound for you and then you can see it yourself."

"Listen, I can't be pregnant. How about you make an appointment for an abortion instead?"
"Mr Milkovich that's just the shock. You have to at least think about it for a few days. Talk with your partner first."

The doctor sighed.
"Listen, it's your decision, but you should think about it. What is it? Isn't it your partner's kid?"
"You think I would cheat on my boyfriend? And that without a rubber on top of it all?"
"Can't you afford it?"
"I don't know if we could afford another kid."
"Why don't you want it?"

Mickey opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't think of an answer that quickly.
"You need to know why you want to abort it before you abort it, Mr Milkovich."

Mickey looked at his hands.
"Promise me, you'll think about it. Then you can decide."


Mickey got home, his thoughts were miles away.
A fucking chromosomal abnormality and he got womb and a baby in it because he liked being fucked raw by his boyfriend.

He lay down on the sofa.
"It's not a baby it's just a dumb clump of cells" he whispered.
He knew this was true. He knew he, a guy in the Southside, couldn't walk around pregnant. He knew, they probably couldn't even afford a second child. They didn't even have space for a second child, where would it sleep? In Yevy's small room? In the fucking tub? His life with Ian and Yevgeny was perfect, why change it?

Mickey took a deep breath.
He got a bunch of brochures and flyers about abortion and male pregnancies. He knew his boyfriend and son would be home soon, they couldn't see the stuff about pregnancy.

He got up and walked into the bed room. He opened the drawer on his bedside table and put them far in the back. Ian usually never looked into the drawer. The lube and condoms were on Ian's side. Mickey just stashed random stuff in there.

He walked back into the living room and lay down again. A few minutes later, the door to their apartment opened.

"And then Mrs. Rogers said to him, that no, he can't form a penis as his paper mâché sculpture. But he said it's his hobby, so it counts!" Yevgeny said while walking through the door.

Mickey looked over the sofa to his son, confused.
Ian just laughed with Yevgeny about his story.

They both spotted Mickey on the sofa and Yevgeny came over to tell him the whole story about the other boy and his sculpture.

While Yevgeny eagerly talked and talked, Ian just smiled at them, kissed Mickeys cheek and went into the kitchen to get them all a snack.

Mickey enjoyed this, them being a normal family.
"Alright, bud, do you have any homework?" Ian asked.
"Yeah, but it's math. Pops can you help me with it?"
"Sure. But I'm gonna make dinner first, otherwise Daddy's gonna do that and neither of us want that right?"
Yevgeny giggled and shook his head.

"You two are impossible! I'm not that bad of a cook!"
"Yes, you are dad. Except the pancakes, your pancakes are amazing" he grinned.
"Yeah, and we love daddy's pancakes right Yevy?" Mickey grinned and hugged his son from behind, resting his chin on Yevgeny's shoulder so their heads were on the same height, both looked up at Ian.

Ian chuckled at them.
"Alright, yeah, I make you pancakes for dinner, stop looking at me like that, you two make me weak."

"Yeah! Pancakes for Dinner!" Yevgeny cheered and hugged Mickey quickly before walking off to his room.

Mickey smiled at Ian who came over and sat next to him on the couch.
"What did the doc say?"
"You were right Ian, it's cancer." Mickey rolled his eyes at him.
Ian playfully hit his arm.

"I get it, I was annoying the last days, now tell me! I'm just worried about my lover" he grinned.
Mickey smiled, he bit his bottom lip. He couldn't tell him about the pregnancy... He just couldn't... He didn't plan on keeping it anyways, maybe Ian didn't even have to know it could've ever existed.

"Just a weird virus going round. Like I told you. I'm gonna be better soon. And it's not contagious. So, I'm gonna blow you tonight." He whispered seductively.

"Yeah? You're in the mood for blowjobs again?"
"Oh yeah, since I know what it is, I feel better already. I'm gonna be rid of it in a few weeks." He leaned forwards and kissed him.


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