Twenty Five

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I was packing and getting ready to go to Detroit, I'm only going to Detroit because I have that press conference and little get away cause honey ya girl is stressed the hell out.
TJ sprang his ankle and he want be able to play football for at least two weeks, and TJ isn't happy about that all and he isn't happy about the way Taj has been treating him, I want let my child feel this way because he didn't ask for Taj to come in his life or anything. I been to court about Trey and yes I do have full custody of Trey and yes Anthony molested Trey and Layla knew about it. So they both are locked up right now I don't know what the judge is going to do but I hope he put they ass away. I put Trey in therapy to help him out a little bit and it's working so far so good.
I've been taking care of my dad and taking him back and fourth to doctor appointments, Chemo is really making him weak so I have to drive him everywhere and go over his house and take care of him sometimes. My grandma helps and my aunt goes over there when I can't, we are doing this until we can get him a care giver, I hate to see my Dad like that I really do. I just got to take one day at a time I guess but ugh I have been working my ass off and trying to keep my family from going crazy, Then I'm trying to make sure I'm not stressed my damn self.

I decided to let the kids stay at the house and just let my grandma come stay at my house. I zipped up my suitcase and took my things down stairs.

Trey-"Mama how long will you be gone?"

Zoya-"Three days baby, I'll be back as soon as I can"

Grandma-"We gone have fun boys don't worry"

TJ-"Now Grandma you know all you gone do is watch that Family feud show and make us watch with you"

Grandma-"I thought you liked watching tv with grandma"

TJ-"I guess. But mama can you call my coach and ask him to come over and play football with us"

Zoya-"No football and you know that Terrance, I want you to be careful and I'm not playing"

TJ-"Yes Ma'am"

Zoya-"Now Grandma please make sure Trey goes to therapy and Chorus practices on time. Make sure that knuckle head TJ stays off his ankle as much as possible and keep ice on it. These two need to be in bed by ten because of

Grandma-"Honey I have five kids, I got this now go on now. You and them babies just be careful"

Zoya-"Alright Bye y'all I love y'all"

Trey-"Bye Mama love you too"

I gave him and TJ a kiss,I went to put my things in the trunk. While I was doing that TJ came behind me


Zoya-"Yes Baby?"

TJ-"While you working and everything can you please talk to daddy. Mama I miss him"

Zoya-"I know baby I know. I'll do my best, but I do love you and I don't want you too keep thinking about this okay"

TJ-"I know you love me mama, I just wish my dad did too"

I just gave him a hug and kissed his head. Lord this is breaking my heart, my son don't deserve this. Taj is someone Who feels like he does what he want and he got some nerve because you could have left my child alone.

Zoya-"Alright Baby. I love you and I'll call you when I get to my hotel"

He gave me a another hug and kissed my stomach.

TJ-"Okay Mama. I love you too bye"

I watched as he walked back in the house, I got in my car and started driving to the airport. I have some workers managing my shop while I'm gone but Logan is coming with me and I have hired security since I got into it with Martha people have gotten sneaky and have been trying some dumb shit so I hired to security guards. Jason and Antonio, they aren't the ones Taj hired these are my personal ones.
When I got to the airport I have my private jet ya feel me and no Taj didn't buy this.

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