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      It's been a Month Since I been to Detroit. Before I left I had the visit the one and only Wale, I never thought in a million years I would have to visit my Bestfriend at his grave. I've been good though I'm battling depression but hey life goes on. I didn't know TJ found out that Terrance was his father, Terrance and I sat down and had a talk with him. TJ said he knew already but was still in total shock.
        I'm back dancing and back on my grind. Layla claims the guy she talks to is home and she has been spending time with him. I don't care what nobody say she still stupid for messing with him....She told me I'll meet him soon and I can't wait.  It's now December close to Christmas, I can't baby is going to be so happy.
      Tonight I have to work, TJ is going over pops house. Terrance said he was coming landing later on tonight.

TJ-"Mama is Dad coming tomorrow"

Zoya-"Yeah, we gone see him tomorrow"


Since TJ got the news him and Terrance talk every chance they get. They hang out. They seem so close now, that's all I wanted"

Zoya-"Come on let me tie your durag and your grandad should be on the way"

I brushed TJ hair and made sure his waves were looking right. I put his Durag on. I heard a horn. I grabbed his bags and we walked outside.

TJ-"Bye Mama I love you"

Zoya-"I love you to baby. Be good and remember to always pray"

He gave me a kiss and hugged me. I love my son.

Dad-"Hey babygirl"

Zoya-"Hey pops"

Dad-"TJ go to the car I'll be there in a minute"

TJ-"Yes Sir"

Once TJ got in the car dad was looking at me, he had a worried look in his eye.

Dad-"Zoya when are you going to quit dancing?"

Zoya-"For What...Why should I stop?"

Dad-"It's dangerous. You have degrees, you have business you being greedy"

Zoya-"Listen dancing isn't so bad. I make my money to provide for that boy behind you.  Hell you don't get how bad I wanna stop dancing but painting ain't really bringing me any money...A couple grand every two weeks yeah that's good but with dancing I bring that much in every night. I have a house, cars, businesses, a son and myself it's not cheap."

Dad-"You act like you don't have family that will help you. You can open up so many shops any where and leave this shit alone. You don't understand how embarrassing it is to go to work and see your coworkers looking at your daughter on videos shaking her ass and naked photos and shit!"

Zoya-"Thats What this is about! Your ashamed of me doing what I got to do! Listen I got to be to work in a few hours to make more videos for your coworkers"

I smiled going in the house slamming the door. No matter how hard I try to make sure everyone is happy it's somebody who is mad at what I do. I went upstairs and took a shower. 

   So Jazlyn and I might have got into a fight. Forget it we did. She pops up at Taj house and just talked so much shit about me and my child so I did what was best...I whooped her ass and I'll keep doing it every time I see her little ugly ass. I didn't know she gave the baby up for adoption which is straight bullshit. Well anyways Terrance was mad because I broke a couple of things in his house that I said I will replace. I don't play about my child and Terrance couldn't hit her so I did him a favor, she claim she's gonna get us back but I ain't worried. Terrance says she keeps doing pop ups at his practice and his places of business, not trying to be funny but I don't blame Jazlyn, we plan to get married and you claim you love mr then all of a sudden you see your ex you don't wanna be with me...hell I would flip too. Terrance claimed that they wasn't even having sex anymore and she wasn't acting like his girl she was acting like a friend hell I don't know, but the bitch tried me and she got that ass tapped.

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