Twenty Four

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    **Week Later**
   Today was Andrew funeral, it snowed today. I'm going to miss that little boy so much. Andrew told me he didn't want his funeral to be sad he wanted people to be joyful. so that's what I did, I respect his wishes and had colorful ballon release, his favorite artist Anthony Hamilton performed and I did a little speech.
     I got his casket customized with his favorite hero, Batman. I know he wasn't my son, Hell I knew he wasn't blood but the bond we shared made us family.  Jazlyn or Anthony hasn't contacted anybody about Andrew and that's fucked up, Zoya called Layla and told Anthony about Andrew and he basically didn't give a fuck But it's okay cause Andrew was loved, he didn't have to have his parents cause he had me. I'm so thankful for Zoya right now she hasn't left my side since the day Andrew died, she's been comforting me and trying to help me get through this.
    Most of my teammates were here. I appreciate them for that we all signed a football and buried it with him. Watching his casket go in the ground was like a piece of me was going with it. I had a game tomorrow and honestly I didn't even feel like playing. 
   After his funeral, I had a gathering at my house my family, my teammates and Andrew nurses were here. TJ and Trey is back in Philadelphia cause they had school.  I was up in my room just looking out the window.

Zoya-"Hey, I fixed you a plate"

I turned around, she had sadness in her eyes. I know she hates seeing me down but I can't help it.

Taj-"Thanks Baby."

I grabbed it and sat down on the edge of my bed to eat. She was just staring at me,

Taj-"What's wrong?"

Zoya-"Nothing, Just glad to see you eating. His service was so beautiful baby. I don't think anybody could have planned his funeral better than you"

She fixed her dress and sat down beside me laying her head on my shoulder.

Taj-"Thank you. I just wish he wasn't gone so soon"

Zoya-"I know. But he's your guardian angel now. I pray that we will never have to bury one of our kids"

Taj-"I don't even wanna think about it to be honest"

She got up,

Zoya-"I'm going back down stairs, you coming"


I got up with my plate and we walked down stairs. Zoya went in the living room I went to my man cave with my teammates.

Johnny-"You need to Marry that girl right there."

Taj-"Why you say that?"

Terrance-"Boy that's a good women. She been here with you since things went down. She made sure you was straight. How long y'all been going at it? Over seven years now. Yeah it's time to put a ring on it"

Taj-"We just got back together. I'm not rushing marriage right now, trust me I know she a good woman"

Zackery-"Boy she got a sister or anything?"

I laughed, Zackery is the biggest hoe I ever met. You can't have him around ya lady cause he likes to flirt I already told his ass he try with mine I'll bust his ass.

Taj-"Nah she the only child"

My Abuelo came in, he looked like he was shocked.

Abuelo-"You need to come in here now. Listen I know women and something is telling me Zoya is about to explode"

I got up rushing out the man cave. I seen Zoya running up towards somebody and yelling Everyone was backing up I tried to push my way threw everybody. Security had Zoya by her arms.

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