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It's been a few weeks after court, honestly I was shocked to about what Zoya was going through. The shit I have done to her didn't make her life easier. I apologized but I know damn well it wouldn't fix anything, all I can do is hope.
    Since today is Saturday and it's hot as hell I'm talking Selena and Sebastian out for ice cream and to the mall. Them two have fell in love with Zoya, she has met them a few
times and they get along perfectly. Zoya and I might be friends but I want to be more than that, at this point I don't care about my reputation because mother fuckers ain't dumb enough to say shit to my face so it is what it is. Monday is our first football game you already
Know I'm excited.
        Tiffany still putting her baby on me.  That is the least of my worries though, Zoya been helping me get my school shit together, my grades was slipping bad and ya boy need good grades to play football and I needs to play that so yeah my grades got to be A1. But anyways back to the baby talking, not gone flex ya boy got a couple of bodies so I wouldn't be surprised if one of those girls say they pregnant but Tiffany hoe ass is a different story cause I know for fact I used protection with her.

Sebastian-"Taj is my girl going with us?"

I looked at him raising my brow

Taj-"Who's your girlfriend?"

He did that ugly ass Stevie J face, I swear mama need to stop letting him watch that reality show shit with her.

Sebastian-"Zoya duh, so is she coming?"

Taj-"Let me call and ask hold on"

Selena came in skipping and jumped on my bed with Sebastian. I called wifey real quick.

**Phone Conversation**
💜💍Babygirl-" Hello"

Taj-"What's up, you busy?"

💜💍Babygirl-"No just folding clothes. What's wrong?"

Taj-"The twins want to know will you hang with us today"

💜💍Babygirl-"Awe yeah sure"

Taj-"Ight then shorty I'll be by in twenty minutes"

💜💍 Babygirl-"Alright"
**Hanged up**
Hearing her voice was music to my ears it sounds so sweet and soft. That girls does something to me.

Taj-"She said yes she will go, come on y'all"

Sebastian-"Yes! I got to go put on my cologne"

I laughed at him shaking my head, I grabbed their things and we went down stairs.
By the time I got to Zoya place she was coming outside looking upset. Selena rolled down the window

Selena-"Hey YaYa!"

Zoya-"Hey you two"

She got in the car,

Sebastian-"I haven't seen you in a long time I missed you"

I playfully rolled my eyes, I don't know why Sebastian think he mac daddy or some.

Zoya-"I missed you guys too"

Taj-"I'm starting to think they love you more than they love me"

Zoya-"Hey Taj"

Taj-"Hey what up. You straight?"

Zoya-"Yeah just Wale and I were arguing again"

When Zoya and I officially decided to be friends Wale was pissed. But Zoya and I don't give a damn cause this not Wale friendship he can't control Zoya life all the damn time.

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