chapter 1:

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Emma's p.o.v

Today was the day! Travis and I were actually going to the orphanage to adopt our baby girl. We already had a 2 year old boy but we decided that the second time around we were adopting. Taylor Would not be coming with us because we wanted to surprise him with His new sister. 25 and I'm going to have 2 amazing babies this is exciting I thought.

Two long Hours later Travis pulled up to what looked like a tiny school building but I knew we were in the right place. A middle age woman ran out of the building all excited remembering us from our last visit.

"She's all ready to go," I think her name was Angie said", But the real question is, are you ready to take her?"

"Of, course," Travis said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Well then let's get these papers signed and she's all yours," Angie concluded.

Great I thought hours of papers. But it was all worth it. I was dying to take her home and call her mine. The papers were almost done when we got to the birth certificate. She didn't have a name. My face dropped. She's 7 months with no name that was quite sad.

"Why didn't you name her?" I asked.

"Well we have been calling her Tori, but we thought you would like to make the last decision," commented a worker.

"Oh, Tori is a lovely name! "Travis answered.

"I like it, too," I smiled.

That was it putting her name on the certificate 'Victoria Rose Caniff' and then going to get her.

We walked into the room they had assigned for her. It was really plain all white with little color. But there in the crib laid a bundle of sunshine. She had a huge smile on her face and she giggled when she saw us. That made Travis smile. She was also wearing a yellow onesie and white leggings. She had little hairs sticking out of her head, Blonde to be exact. Her eyes were a dazzling green. All together she was a cute little human.

We took her out of her crib and took the little bag with her things in it. Then we put Tori in the car and put her things in the trunk. I couldn't stop smiling as we drove home.

When we got home a little Taylor came running around the corner with a huge smile on his face. You could tell he missed us greatly. We aren't gone often and when we are it is not that long but this trip was a long one and I must have forgotten about that. His smile grew bigger when he saw that his dad was holding something rather large. He couldn't tell that it was a baby yet because she was covered with a blanket but he was still excited.

"What's that? Is that for me?" Taylor rumbled on.

"Now Taylor," I told him softly so he would understand ",this is for all of us but daddy and mommy will be spending a bit of time with it but we still love just the same."

"Ok I understand," Taylor assured me in his baby voice.

With that Travis set Tori on the floor and told Taylor to come here. He obeyed and walked over to his dad. Travis then told him to take the blanket off the car seat very carefully. Taylor doing as his dad said, took the blanket off and out popped a little Tori head.

Taylor got scared and first and jumped back but soon ran back to where Tori was running her eyes all over the new environment. He then started jumping up and down.

"Mommy am I gonna be a big brother," he asked shyly.

"Yes," was all a could manage. Taylor was doing so well and wasn't even upset. It was an amazing introduction.

He then asked to hold her. I told him to sit on the couch and then I would let him. He ran to the couch all Excited. When he was sitting down I set Tori in his hand and told him how to cradle her head. Soon he started rocking her and she fell asleep as it was quite late he soon fell asleep, too. It looked so cute so I snapped a picture.

Wow what an amazing day. We brought Tori home and the introduction with Taylor went Amazing. I wrote in a Facebook post with the picture of Tori and Taylor asleep on the couch. I posted it and then looked over my shoulder and the Two and there dad. This was an amazing start to a new chapter in my life. Now just to see how it ended.


Hey readers! This is the first chapter to my first book!!! That's exciting. But tomorrow I'll be uploading two chapter and a authors note if I have time. I'm trying so hard on this book so I hope you guys like. And it gets better so don't give up on it yet. Also the next chapter skips 14 years ahead. I no huge time difference but I'm sorry. It will make the book better though. Ok. Bye :)

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