A little Discussion

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Earth struggled to get himself free but Win tightened his grip on his waist and bit on his lower lip. Earth whimpered with the sudden pain. Win took the opportunity and quickly entered his tounge in. His tounge roamed all around in younger Male's mouth, or we can say literally fvcked his mouth with his tounge. Earth's body was cold as ice but there was sweat forming on to his temple.

Win finally released Earth from their passionate kiss, his eyes fixed on the younger man's flushed face. Earth was gasping for air, his body trembling with the intensity of the moment. He couldn't maintain his grip on Win's shirt, and it loosened as he threw his head backward in an attempt to regain control.

Win gently lowered Earth to the ground, but the younger man's body seemed to have turned into jelly, unable to support itself. His legs curled up beneath him, but before he could fully collapse, Win swiftly pulled him back into his chest, cradling him close. He tucked Earth's head against his neck, his fingers softly rubbing the nape in an attempt to calm the overwhelmed and trembling younger man. The aftermath of their passionate exchange left both of them in a state of profound vulnerability and confusion.

"Hey calm down little tiger. I thought you are stronger than this. I just got you with a kiss. I'm surprised. " Win continued to rub Earth's neck and back, offering comfort and reassurance as Earth's breathing gradually steadied.

"Boss, one of them is seriously injured and fainted. What should we do?" A resolute knock echoed through the door, beckoning the attention of the second-in-command. In the absence of Kong, it was Win who assumed the mantle of responsibility, serving as Kong's steadfast right-hand man, ready to oversee all matters at hand.

Win gently nudged Earth's shoulder, prompting him to turn and reveal a visage flushed with emotion. His flustered countenance and euphoric eyes took Win aback, for he had never fathomed that Earth could become so discomposed with a mere kiss. It had long been Win's unspoken desire to taste the sweetness of Earth's lips, but his fear of rejection had silenced him. However, hearing Earth speak of seeking a sugar daddy had unleashed a torrent of unexpected courage, leading him to act in a manner entirely contrary to his usual self. As the shock settled in, Win found solace in the knowledge that he harbored no regrets for seizing that moment, capturing Earth's lips in a stolen kiss.

Win tenderly patted Earth's cheek and spoke with a soft, reassuring tone, "Hey there, little tiger. I'm going to set you down gently, alright? Make sure you don't stumble. Can you understand me? Just give me a simple 'yes' or 'no'." Earth, still in the throes of his emotions, gazed at Win and nodded faintly. With a sigh of relief, Win proceeded to lift him into his arms, cradling him in a bridal embrace. He carefully deposited Earth onto the couch and took a seat on the floor in front of him, ready to lend a comforting presence.

"Ok now listen to me." Win implored Earth with a gaze that sought any semblance of understanding. Reaching out, he gently clasped Earth's hands in his own, an unspoken reassurance of their connection, before he began to speak.

"We need to have a discussion about this," Win began, his voice steady and sincere. He continued, holding Earth's hands gently but firmly, "I understand you might be overwhelmed right now, and I want to make it clear that this isn't some impulsive act or a prank. I've thought about this deeply, and I want you to do the same. I, Win Ithipat, genuinely like you. I like you as a person, as a companion, and as a lover."

With his message conveyed, Win stressed, "Take some time to think it through. I'm going to work things out. Stay right here, don't even think about leaving this room. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Win rose from his seat, giving Earth's hair a fond tousle before exiting the room, leaving Earth alone with his thoughts. Earth blinked several times at the closed door, his fingers instinctively brushing over his lips. He wrapped his arm around his stomach, the spot where Win had touched him earlier. It felt as though his skin was aflame, his lips slightly swollen, and he was enveloped in a feverish sensation.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now