Let's Play a Game

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"So, I packed up and I left. After three weeks, my little brothers begged me to come back and I couldn't do what dad did to them any longer. I just came back last week, and her boyfriend is now her fiancé. I'm only there to make sure those boys are safe. They mean the most to me." His family may have been more messed up than mine.

I was floored by those revelations. "She just let you leave for three weeks? Wait, more importantly, she's marrying the guy?"

"I told her I was at Neo's house and that the Zhao's were taking decent care of me. She probably thought it was better than me being at home. I'll still leave sometimes when I can't deal with that guy anymore. But I can't stand to see the boys look at me the way they do when I'm gone too long." His free hand was roaming through his hair and then over his face.

"You're so much more than I thought you would be," I squinted my eyes.

He looked at me like thoughts were filling his mind. "Is that supposed to sound like a compliment because I'm not sure," he joked.

"No, I was trying very hard to offend you. Do I need to try harder?" I took his other hand in my own.

He pulled my hands closer to him, "I'm very offended right now, so you're going to have to stop holding my hand."

I gasped, "Oh no, that's the worst punishment you could possibly give me."

Gripping his hands harder he pulled me closer till we were mere centimeters apart. I could feel his breath on my cheeks and my heart was bumping around my chest. After all the hours I spent with my eyes on his lips, watching him talk, smile, laugh, smirk, it felt like I knew everything about them. Our lips were brought back together by some magical happenstance. It was a small, yet warm kiss that filled me up completely.

"It's been a long night. Are you ready to set up for bed? You just pull that little knob up and the seat will go back." He demonstrated on his side, and the seat went back with a bounce. "Or, you could get in the back and lay down?"

I smiled mischievously, "Or, there's a third option." I moved around the gear shift levers and the armrest in his chair, and then on his lap.

"I like what's behind door three," he declared, and I giggled to mask my self-consciousness coming into play.

Then, I leaned back and jumped as I hit the steering wheel. I hit my head on the ceiling of the truck. "Ah, that wasn't as sexy as I intended for it to be."

"I disagree," he said in a husky tone that was less funny this time.

He shifted my legs and brought me closer so that I would be directly above him.

"Banks," I whispered as his lips found my neck again. Everything went dark and I couldn't tell if it was because my eyes were closed or because he turned off the light. My fingers found his hair as I placed damp kisses on his dark brown locks. He took his jacket off me, slowly as the butterflies in my stomach swarmed.

His cold fingers crept under my oversized shirt to find my bareback, making me shiver. I felt his other hand starting to undo the buttons.

"Stop me, whenever you want," he whispered as he nibbled on my ear. I nodded, as my shirt came off and I was left wearing my bandeau top. He leaned back and took a longing gaze at me. After it came off, he stayed there, and I could tell his eyes were all over me. I didn't know whether to still feel self-conscious or not.

"You're so beautiful," I placed both of my hands on his chest and wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of the right words.

Or any words for that matter.

One Week Older: Turning Pages Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora