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Paul hated being the new kid. He hated that his family was always upping and moving, no matter how much Paul or his brothers liked a place it could be guaranteed that they wouldn't remain there long, their stay usually lasting from a few months to a year before their father would get bored and find a new place for them to settle.

In some ways, Paul supposed that he should find it cool. He had almost travelled the entire world by now, and had lived in more countries than he could count, but it also meant that Paul never really got to make any proper friends. Just as he was beginning to familiarise himself with a place his father would decide to drag him across the globe once more and so Paul had given up making any efforts. What was the point in getting attached to a place if he was only going to find himself getting torn away from it anyway?

Shoving in his earphones, Paul sat towards the back of the school bus and closed his eyes as he leant his head against the window. He knew that he should probably sit with his brothers, but honestly? As much as Paul didn't really care what people thought about him since his stay at this school was only temporary, he still didn't want to get branded with those assholes.

He was sick of being called things such as racist and homophobic by strangers just because his brothers were a bunch of self-absorbed pigs. Well, all of them minus little Pablo but unfortunately, he wasn't old enough for highschool yet and so Paul lacked his company. Or anyones company for that matter.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder Paul reluctantly opened his eyes and looked up only to find that a kid with dark fluffy hair was staring at him, dark makeup circling his eyes while another boy stood behind him. The other boy was watching Paul curiously, long hair that was darker than his friends partially concealing his face but Paul could see two pieces of metal glinting from the guys lips as he grinned and waved at Paul which Paul didn't return.

Fluffy hair rolled his eyes and leant forward to tug one of Paul's earphones out of his ears, causing him to protest, that was, until Paul realised that he could still hear his music. And that almost every kid on the bus was staring at him.

He flushed bright pink.

"Nice music taste," said metal lips in a cheerful tone, making Paul unsure as to whether or not the guy was joking or not. He was decidedly more worried about switching his music off, jabbing at the pause button on his phone screen before ramming his earphones properly into the device and letting out a sigh as the screaming ceased. "Slipknot? I like it."

"Shut up Ricky," said fluffy. "Can't you see the guys embarrassed? C'mon, let's sit down."

"Ugh. Fine."

Shooting Paul a wink, metal lips pushed past his friend and disappeared down the back of the bus to find a seat. Fluffy nodded before following suit and Paul hesitantly put in one earphone, opting to let the other one dangle from his phone so that he could hear if he was making an embarrassment of himself again.

He hadn't even arrived at the school yet and already Paul could tell that he was heading for disaster.

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