I'll Be Home For Christmas pt 1

Start from the beginning

As he sat there in contemplative silence, Jungkook felt eyes on him, like someone was staring. It was just a gut feeling, a prickle at the back of his neck despite the lack of cold or breeze.

Turning around to find the source, Jungkook found himself locking eyes with the man sitting next to him. He had a black beanie covering most of his platinum blonde hair, his black face-mask pulled down around his chin. Small gold earrings and a puffy black jacket gave him a very hard appearance.

But his eyes were soft. He stared openly at Jungkook, questioningly, as if he recognized him. Jungkook, too, thought the man looked vaguely familiar.

Jungkook? the man asked. Are you Jeon Jungkook?

Shocked, Jungkook froze in his seat and dumbly nodded yes. He squinted his eyes harder at the man, trying his best to remember him.

Im sorry I dont

Recognize me? the man chuckled. But as soon as he smiled, as soon as Jungkook got a good look at the familiar, gummy smile, he knew who it was.

Tae, he whispered. Kim Taehyung. Holy shit.

At his name, Taes smile went even bigger. You do recognize me then. Its been a while, hasnt it?

Jungkook was immediately transported back in time to when he was five years old. He remembered the hot summers, running around the neighbors backyard with their seven-year-old son Tae. They would run through the sprinklers and play games together every summer growing up. The smell of freshly-cut grass and strawberries immediately overtook him.

He could taste the cold vanilla ice cream and feel the sand underneath his feet, as he remembered how he and his best friend at the time frolicked in the sun and swam in the warm, salty ocean.

And although they werent in the same grade, Jungkook remembers Tae always keeping an eye out for him during their primary school years, even threatening to beat one older kid up for calling Jungkook fat.

It has, Jungkook said, a fleeting look of guilt crossing his face. Way too long.

They sat in awkward silence for a moment, both lost in their memories of each other. Memories that came back like a flood, washing over them as they remembered.

You look good, Tae said casually. The blonde suits you.

Jungkook grinned and ran a hand through his messy sandy blonde hair. Thanks. Looks like youve gone blonde as well.

Tae just nodded. I guess its the trendy thing to do nowadays, although my hairs never been so damaged and dry.

Even in this climate? Its so humid here, Jungkook remarked.

Oh, I dont live here anymore. Tae took a sip of his own beer. I moved up to Daegu a year or two after you moved away. So Ive been there for eight years now? And its dry as shit there.

Jungkook chuckled good-naturedly and took a sip of his own beer. His phone dinged and he looked down to see a text from Hoseok.

From: Hoseok

Im so sorry dude, something came up and I cant make it tonight. Have a beer for me and Ill text you tomorrow to get together.

Lame. Jungkook texted back saying as much. Oh well, at least he had Tae to keep him company until he finished his drink.

Hey, do you remember Hoseok? Jungkook asked. Hoseok was one year above Jungkook and one below Tae, so he wasnt sure if they ever knew each other.

Jung Hoseok? Vaguely. Wasnt he that kid who always made sound effects and danced in the middle of class?

Jungkook threw his head back in laughter. Yes! Exactly. He hasnt changed a bit. I was actually supposed to meet him here for a drink, but he just cancelled on me. He shrugged.

Tae nodded sympathetically. That sucks. But now you can keep me company, I suppose. Im avoiding going to my parents house.

Ah, Jungkook said, understanding. Growing up, Tae didnt have the best family life. The Kims were all about outward appearances, looking and acting like a happy, perfect family. But what most people didnt know was Taes father reliance on alcohol and late-night meet-ups with women who werent his wife.

Tae would often sleep over at Jungkooks house when they were children. Jungkooks parents were kind and welcoming, always offering Tae refuge, allowing him to sleep in Jungkooks room as often as he wanted. Which ended up being a few times a week, most summers.

And the boys had grown close over the course of their sleepovers.

Jungkook had an idea. Would you like to come with me to visit my parents tonight? Im sure they would be thrilled to see you again.

Tae coughed, startled by the request. His eyes were wide and pleading. Really? They would?

Of course, hyung. My parents love you.

Taes lips formed a tight line and he nodded. Jungkook could tell he was grateful to have an excuse to avoid his own parents for a few more hours.

Yeah. Sounds great, Jungkookie.

The use of his childhood nickname made Jungkook smirk, and Taes cheeks flushed light pink as he took another long drag of his beer.

Half an hour later, they paid their bill and began the ten-minute walk back to Jungkooks house.

So your parents moved away?

Tae nodded. After my brother and I moved out they downsized, got an apartment downtown. Its pretty small, Ive only seen it once.

So theres no chance of us accidentally running into them tonight? Jungkook joked. Tae chuckled and shook his head. Jungkook thought he heard Tae mutter under his breath, thank god.

Itll be nice seeing your parents again. I miss them.

What Tae didnt say was, I miss you too.

But Jungkook could read between the lines. He sighed. Tae Im sor-

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