Forever Intertwine: Characters Description

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Namjoon: In his past life, he was born into a poor family, Namjoon had to take small jobs or chores around the village to be able to keep being able to pay for his mother who was sick and the house the two shared. Namjoon's father had passed when he was very young from an assassin leaving just him and his mother. When no one wanted his services, he started to struggle being able to pay for the house and the doctor who would see his mother. When he heard that the kingdom of Niran was in need of guards, he quickly took the offer. Right away he was able to get a better house for his mother and keep up with the medical bills. One day, the doctor told Namjoon bad news, his mother was getting worse. He paid the doctor double than normal just to keep his only family member around. While in battle, his mother passed, and Namjoon got injured. He soon went to go see the king and princess but collapsed from exhaustion and loss of blood. Luckily Phoebe, the princess, was skilled in healing magic. Once Namjoon was healed, he pulled out his weapon unaware of where he was, when he did Phoebe's guard did as well. When he got back to his senses, he apologized to the princess. When he got a closer look at the princess, he started to admire her beauty. It didn't take long for the two to start talking, within a few days of the two talking, Namjoon gathered the courage to ask Phoebe to be his girlfriend. She said yes and the two started to date happily even with her father's approval. When Namjoon went home to tell his mother of the news, he saw her lying there in her bed, not moving or breathing. Namjoon broke down into tears and held his mothers cold, lifeless hand. Even though she was gone, he continued to tell her the news. After he did, Namjoon took her body and dug her a grave at a peaceful opening in the woods. Namjoon placed her favorite flowers over the grave and told his mother goodbye for the last time. He kept the secret from Phoebe and others. Years went by and Namjoon proposed to Phoebe asking her to be his forever. Phoebe said yes as tears ran down her cheeks. At the reception, Phoebe announced she was pregnant, which was a surprise for Namjoon seeing as he didn't even know. Sadly all the guards had to leave for war. Namjoon kissed Phoebe for the last time as he went to battle, on the battlefield, he was stabbed and killed leaving Phoebe and their unborn child. He was known as the Legendary Hunter.

Phoebe: In her past life, she was born to the king and queen of Niran. Sadly the queen had difficulty when she was delivering Phoebe and her twin brother Yoongi. The queen passed once Yoongi arrived. Phoebe loved her kingdom and all the people who inhabited it. Since she was young, her favorite thing to do was to read. One day she came across a book her mother wrote for her daughter and son. Curious she started to read it. Phoebe soon found out her mother was a psychic along with a healer. Phoebe told her brother and father about the book and the king decided to tell the two it was true. That Yoongi got his mother's psychic abilities and Phoebe the healing. As Phoebe grew up, she worked countless hours on her healing magic to be able to heal the injured. Soon she got a guard from the family of one of the guards who watched the king and her brother. It was a young girl who was only a few years younger than her. The two soon started to grow close as friends. As a few weeks went by and Phoebe started to teach Katherine, her guard, some healing magic, in return Katherine taught her how to fight with and without weapons. Years had gone by and the two had gotten some news there was a knight who was injured. The two ran to the throne room to see the hurt man, Phoebe and Katherine took him to the healing room. Once the man was all better, he drew out his sword at the princess, Katherine then drew hers at the man. When the man realized where he was and what was happening he apologized. Phoebe and the man looked deep into each others eyes. She took in every detail of the man. Phoebe and Namjoon, the knight she healed, soon started talking and grew close. Years had passed and Namjoon asked Phoebe to be his girlfriend. She happily said yes. That night she told Katherine of the news. It didn't take too long before he asked her hand in marriage. One night, Katherine was helping Phoebe with some books when Kat touched Phoebe. That was when Katherine told Phoebe that she was pregnant. Phoebe decided to tell the news at the wedding reception and to keep it a secret from Namjoon. When the wedding arrived, Phoebe's nerves started to get the best of her, thankfully Katherine was there to calm her down. The wedding was beautiful, when it was time for the reception, Phoebe told everyone that her and Namjoon were expecting a child. When it all ended, Namjoon left for war and was killed on the battlefield. Overwhelmed with grief, Phoebe took her life along with her unborn child's life with her. She was known as the Legendary Huntress.

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