Chapter Fifteen: Welcome to The World

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I heard whispering from Namjoon, Taehyung and Katherine but I ignored it as I was still asleep, Katherine and Taehyung soon left to let us both sleep. As the night become late I got up to go to the restroom, but soon stopped in my tracks from a very sharp pain, as more pain came like a bolt of lighting, I screamed as I fell to my knees as my water broke. Namjoon suddenly woke up to my screaming, he jolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom and he picked me up from the floor. He carried me out of the bathroom and laid me down on the bed. "I'm going to get Kat, darling I'll be back." He said worried out of his mind. I nodded slowly, he ran out of the bedroom and yelled, "KAT! IT'S PHOEBE!" Kat and Taehyung woke up and Katherine dashed to the bedroom, Tae followed suit. "I need fresh towels and fresh bowl of water fast along with something to get the water out of their mouths!" Namjoon and Tae nodded as they went to get the fresh towels and a fresh bowl of water. "Phoebe I'm here, now you need to exhale in and out and push hard okay?" Kat said softly as I nodded whimpering in pain. "I...Want...Yoongi....I want my brother..." I said slowly. Kat nodded. Namjoon and Taehyung came back with the fresh towels and the bowl of water."I found one of those ears stucker things. Will it work?" Taehyung asked. Kat nooded. "Namjoon go get Yoongi, she wants him.." Kat said. Namjoon nodded and dashed to get Yoongi. I started screaming as I felt them coming out. Namjoon went to Yoongi and Springs room and woke up Yoongi, Yoongi looked at him pissed off cause Namjoon woke him up. "Yoongi it's Phoebe... she's giving birth." Namjoon said, feeling bad for waking him up. Yoongi's face changed, he got up and ran to the bedroom and to my side. "I'm here sis..." Yoongi said as he held my hand, Namoon came back and held my other hand, comforting me. "Alright, Tae come over here and help me. Namjoon, Yoongi I need you two to hold her legs up for me. Phoebe you are doing great." Kat said looking at her friend in pain. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung soon followed her orders. I had a tight grip on Yoongi's and Namjoon's hand, it was painful. Soon the others woke up from the screaming and noticed Phoebe was in labor. They decided to stay back as to not be a distraction. Katherine noticed the boys. "Hey can I get one of you guys to get scissors. Phoebe when you feel the contraction again push as hard as you can." Katherine said as she saw a little head. Jimin dashed into the kitchen, grabbed the scissors, and ran back being careful with the scissors as he brought them to Kat. "Thank you Jimin just put it by the bowl of water. I see a head." Kat said as she grabbed it helping Phoebe cast the little one out. Soon after a long push, the first one was out and wrapped in a towel and used the tool to drain the liquid out of the child's throat. Once she did the baby started to cry. "One down Phoebe. Let's get the last one okay?" Kat said as Taehyung started to clean the little boy off. After Phoebe gave the last, good long push, her second child was in Katherine's arms being cleaned off and having the liquid drained from her throat as well. After Kathrine got it all out, the little baby girl started to cry as well. "So Phoebe, who do you want to cut the cord?" Kat asked knowing after that she still wasn't done with her work seeing as she still had yet to pull the placenta out. "I.. want.. You... To... Do..It..Kat..since you are the godmother of our children." I said tiredly. Katherine smiled and grabbed the scissors and cut the cord. Since Phoebe was distracted with the twins, Katherine took the opportunity to take out Phoebe's placenta. Once she got it all out, she checked to see if everything was okay. "Phoebe you will be bleeding for a while okay, but do you mind laying down for a minute so I can check from the inside?" Kat asked feeling bad having to. I nodded and let Namjoon take Xavier and Yoongi take Minerva and laid down. Kat hovered her hands over the lower part of my stomach. "Seems like nothing too bad. Just a few scratches from the little ones but they will go in due time." Katherine said as she put a towel below me so I didn't bleed so much on the bed. I looked over at Yoongi and then at Namjoon and I smiled tiredly. "Where will they sleep at? They don't have a room..." I began to worry. "Phoebe... they'll will sleep here tonight. And then tomorrow we will give them a room." Namjoon said, calming me by kissing my forehead. I nodded as my eyes grew heavy. "Let's give them space." Yoongi said as he laid Minerva next to me and he gave me a smile, feeling proud of me and he got up and left. The others walked out, Namjoon laid Xavier next to Minerva and he laid down. The twins were in the middle of us. I looked down at Minerva and Xavier and smiled. Namjoon looked at us and admired that I gave birth to them and he was happy that he is a father and a husband. I soon fell asleep from exhaustion and he smiled as he soon fell asleep.

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