
It was currently 11am now, you both were heading to a restaurant to eat lunch. You were really happy today as you got to spend some quality time with your mum. You both watched a movie together, went for shopping, and got your nails done, had new haircut done. Today was one happy day and hoped your mum enjoyed it as much as you did. After eating peacefully in that restaurant, you both returned home and you took a relaxing hot shower and went down to see your mum watching tv.

You went there and sat down beside your mum quietly.. She noticed your presence and turned around to face you and said, "Y/n, I wanted to talk with you about the academy you are going to join in" she said to you and you nodded your head to tell her to keep going..
She sighed and continued, "Y/n, I want you to know that both me and your dad want the best for you. We don't want our only daughter to be suffering in the future. We just want you to be happy and successful in your fututre-" you cut her and said, "Mum, stop beating around the bush and come to the point that you want to say" you said and motioned for her to continue..

She sighed deeply once again and said, "Y/n, I want you to join the vampire academy" This left you in a shocked state.. You didn't expect that she would want you to join in the vampire academy.. "WHATT??!!YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?" you asked once again, maybe if you heard her wrong.. "Y/n ah I want you to join the vampire academy"

"What?! You want me join in the vampire academy? Oh hell no mom! I won't go there!" you said.. You did not want to go there.

"Y/n please understand.." she said. "No Mum, I don't want to understand anything. You do remember what happened right mom? I AM NOT GOING TO THE VAMPIRE ACADEMY AND THAT'S MY DECISION" you said as you stood up to leave, by being obviously upset by the fact that she wants you to join in there. If you'd known this before you would have never left that school in the first place. "Y/n, please listen.. If not for me, then for your dad? Please Y/n?" She said.

Oh no mum. Don't play that card. She knows how much you love your dad and how you would even jump off a cliff for him.. So you sat down beside her again.

"Y/n" she started "Me and your dad both decided at the time of your birth that you will be attending the vampire academy. Your dad wanted you to join in that academy Y/n. So please Y/n, atleast for him you should give it a try..." she said, "I know how you feel right now Y/n.. but just give it a thought? Okay? Just for your dad?" Saying thus she left to her room after kissing your forehead.

After sometime of deeply thinking about whether to join the academy or not, you made a decision and went to your room and drifted off to sleep....


The next day you woke up quite early and slowly crept down and sat down at the dining table. Your mum was humming a song and making pancakes for breakfast. And she suddenly shouted "Y/n, Wake up! The breakfast's ready" completely oblivious to the fact that you were sitting right behind her. She turned out to place the pancakes on the table and was shocked to see you sitting there. "Y/n, when did you come here?" She asked as placed a pancake on my plate. "Long enough for you to not notice me" you said as you started munching on your breakfast.. 'Did I ever mention how much good of a chef she is? Like Wow. Just wow. How much I wish I was like her..' *sighs* 'Just keep dreaming Y/n' you thought to yourself.

After finishing your breakfast she sat down beside you on the couch and asked you, "So, Y/n? Did you make a choice?" She asked you and you nodded your head "Are you willing to attend the vampire academy?" She asked you as she eyed your each and every move...

"Now, I don't really have any other choice.. Do I?" you said and continued..

"Yes, I will be attending the vampire academy" you said and you could see your mum beaming happyily, she hugged you and said "Thank you Y/n.. thank you for respecting your dad's words" and you slowly brought up your hands to hug her as epiphany hit you like a truck...



A/n: Hello my dear readers, I'm back with another chapter! Hope you liked it.. I made this chapter long cuz I noticed that my previous chapters weren't long enough..
Enjoy reading it! And sorry if I made any grammatical errors and please vote and recommend it!

His Princess | p.jmNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ