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His voice was low and it cracked every now and then as he spoke. He sounded like he was in trouble.
I don't remember saying goodbye to Carly, or running into my car only to realize I'd forgotten my car keys.

By the time I got to the address Ellis had messaged me, I'd forgotten everything else aside from him. All my memories had hazed out into nothingness leaving only the memories that had him in them.

I noticed police sirens the moment I entered the university. My heart started beating faster as I got closer. There was a huge house, a sorority house maybe and it had been trashed. There was trash and bottles everywhere.

I parked a little further away not wanting to be in the way of the police.
I called the number back as I began walking towards the commotion.
My hands had turned to fist as the fear travelled through me.

"ELLIS?" I called out in the darkness but no reply came. I walked to the lights where the officers were and saw a bunch of college students handcuffed, some where being loaded into police cars whilst others were being told to wait.

I noticed Serena and Jon, Serena was laid on Jon's shoulder, she was just rubbing her forehead on his shoulder, giggling while Jon was staring blankly into space.

They were high, most of them were high.

"EXCUSE ME." I called out to a police officer.
He walks towards me, his hair is in his face and his uniform is dirty like he'd been rolling around in dirty.
"Ma'am this is an unsafe area please back away for your own safety." He said but I wasn't trying to hear any of that.

"There's a boy, He has brown curly hair, green eyes. He's about 5'11, really small." I said and then I heard a small chuckle on the other side of the sidewalk.

My heart wavered, relief flowed almost painfully out of my chest.

I could see him sitting across the street, his body covered by a small blanket. He's clinging to it and there are tears rolling down his cheek.
The sadness of seeing him cry was overtaken by the happiness that he was fine and wasn't in custody.

"What happened?" I asked sitting down next to him.
"I didn't know t-this was going to happen." Ellis said, His eyes are welling up with tears, his nose is red and running. His lip is bleeding.
I sat down near him and he begins to sob. It happened so quickly and I reacted just as quickly. I wrapped my arms around him.

"It was fun at first, everyone was having fun, I was having f-fun." He sniffles.
"There were so many drugs. Everywhere. They were all doing them. Serena brought me a line and I almost gave in. I wanted to give in so badly, wanted to feel good again, I a-almost took it. I wanted to so badly. I felt like I couldn't move away from it for hours. I wanted to be close to it so I knew I could have it whenever I wanted." Ellis choked it all, he's rambling. His words were settling into my mind little by little because I wanted to focus on comforting him enough to get us both out of here. I patted his hair and tried to encourage him to stand but he made no effort to. He sat still.

"I eventually walked away and I couldn't leave. My legs wouldn't let me leave so I went to sit in the bathroom till I could muster up the strength to get myself out there." He stops talking, he's frozen as more tears started to fall down his face.

" I opened up the bathroom and saw someone on the floor. He was dying. He took too much, too quickly. He was dying. I called the police, I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else to do." He broke into sobs again. My heart broke hearing him cry like this. He was upset at himself for so many reasons.

For not taking the cocaine, for not being able to walk away from it. For ratting out everyone else.

"You did good baby, you got help. Were they able to help him?" I asked and he nods, wiping the tears away from his face.

He looks up at me and then says.
"They said he'll be okay."

"You helped safe someone's life, matter of fact you're saving all of their lives. The police are going to call the attention of their love ones to the fact that they need help. You did good, you did so good baby." I said clinging on to him as he buried his head into my chest.

After that we sat for a couple minutes. With my hand stroking his nape. Him sniffling every now and then. He sits up, he looks at me with eyelashes still soaked with beads of tears.

I placed my hand on his cheek wiping a tear that was still falling down.

His eyes drift down from my eyes and they fell on my lips. I knew what he wanted, but I didn't think now was the time to indulge in something like that.

He leans into me and I didn't get enough chance to tell my body to protest before I was also leaning into him.

I knew this was wrong, I knew he was weak,vulnerable and in pain but I was completely hypnotized by his eyes and his scent that the wind brought to my nostrils every other second.

I let him move close to me until he his nose was brushing against mine. He seemed to be hesitant as well, our noses rubbed together while we both took a second.

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