Ellis - the light of god

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The first time I'd encountered him was near four years ago.

It was at a birthday gathering attributed in his honour. Such, gathering that'd been forced upon me by, the Vice President, my superior. I recollect him telling me that he had many more significant things to do besides throwing some unruly teenager a sweet sixteen.

I recall being so utterly frustrated that he'd chosen to ruin my free weekend by tossing over the work to me. Then I called upon my assistant, who I knew would absolutely love such a task.
Mary, my assistant, had three boys of her own and she'd always spoke of how wondrous their parties became; although I wished she had mentioned that her boys at that time were under the age of 10.

Handing over my party planning workload to her gave me time to focus on the things that were important to my career.

The party turned out to be a Spiderman themed disaster. I remember arriving at the venue, just to be horrified by the group of tall misshapen men wearing superhero costumes, talking and shoving their faces full of food as they stood around in groups.

I only had enough time to send away the men in costumes before Ellis and his friends arrived at the party.

Ellis at first glance was breathtakingly beautiful, even as a young teen with light acne scars and red dots on his cheeks he was still a sight to behold.

From his shoulder length hair that tousled in effortless curls down his head and neck, to the unique curve of his jawline. His warm skin that looked just lightly kissed by the sun. His eyes big giving him this look of innocence, and those long lashes that protected those lovely emerald green irises in which emphasized such innocence even more.

I remember him walking in the giant grand hall in an Armani suit, personally tailored to fit him perfectly of course, just to see a giant Spider-Man banner in the middle of the hall. His friends all also dressed for a much more elegant party in high class fashion dresses and designer suits.

I was embarrassed for him. His father had talked about how his friends were from Italy where he'd resided before deciding to join his flight back home because they didn't want to miss such a significant event.

Mary was utterly horrified, probably even more than I was at the arrival of such sophisticated looking young adults

She'd mumbled a prodigious amount of apologies in the span of seconds.

I tried to make the best of the situation for I was clearly at fault in creating such a mess. I walked over to him and his friends as they observed their surroundings. Everyone had a look of nonplus about them. All not knowing exactly how to react especially upon seeing waiters in the goofy movie costumes.

"Welcome Mr. Alesi-" I said putting on a tight smile, knowing what kind of tantrum was coming next. If he was anything like Mr Alesi's other children I would have to endure an earful while I bit my tongue.

I always prided myself on my professionalism, such professionalism included being able to take shit without giving shit; despite how much it suffocated me to keep silent.

"Did you organize this party?" He asked me, his tone held genuine curiosity. Nothing satiric about it, like he wasn't asking just to use my answer whatever it may be against me.

His voice was somewhat of a mix between man and boy, exactly what you would expect from a 16 year old.

There was however a slight edge in it that led me to believe that he was no stranger to a cigarette.

"Yes un-" I was of course going to take responsibility. I should've made sure that Mary knew his age and designed accordingly for that age.
"I love it, I wished we had known it wasn't a button up event. We would've dressed more comfortably- is that a face painting station?" He asked amused by it all.

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