so, he has two names and neither of them are his real one?

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:may 19, 2019

     "you're a mob boss? seriously?" michael hisses. "what the fuck? why didn't you tell us?" he looks at calum, and back at ashton.

ashton shrugs.

     luke, of course, knew as soon as calum answered ashton's call. good thing he lied for a living, right?

     and calum just finds the entire situation funny. he tracked ashton's phone and was exceedingly confused as to why his best hitman kidnapped his boyfriend. but after a while, he understood that luke just wanted to get michael out. everything from that point on was just calum fucking with luke.

     "would you go around telling people you're dating a mob boss?" calum tilts his head. "he didn't tell you, because you don't go around sharing shit like that, it can get you killed."

     "okay, so–" michael huffs. "who's this guy that's after ashton?"

     "his name is sasha notts. he runs the biggest, most dangerous mob in the midwest. he's my number one rival." calum explains.

     "and i was a drug runner for him." ashton comments. "i stole some product, it pissed him off, and he tried to kill me." he shrugs. "so i faked my death."

     "first off, what the hell kind of name is sasha notts?" michael furrows his brows. "that's–"

     "that's not his real name." ashton rolls his eyes. "no one knows his name. if it helps you though, sometimes he uses the name wynn rynes. legally though, he doesn't exist, so no one knows his real name."

     "awesome!" michael retorts. "so where do luke and i come in?"

     "well considering luke's–" calum starts, but luke awkwardly clears his throat to interrupt him.

     "i know how to find people that don't want to be found." luke states as he shoots calum a quick glare through the rear view mirror. "if we find out where sasha and his men are, calum can handle it."

     michael takes luke's word for it, but he's weary. luke's hiding something big, and that scares michael. where had luke been for the past two and a half years? what had he been doing? michael knows none of his questions will be answered, however, so he doesn't bother asking.

     once the four boys made it to denver, they get a hotel room and essentially set up a home base. "did we think sleeping situations through? i don't think we did." michael states as he stares at room, his hands resting on his hips. the room consists of a small kitchen and a living room, and two bedrooms on opposite sides of the room. each room has a single queen sized bed, and none of the boys are willing to give the beds up.

     "i figured you'd suck it up and sleep with luke." ashton mumbles.

michael rolls his eyes. "not happening."

     "why not?" luke asks innocently. "don't like cuddling anymore?"

michael stays silent, and luke smirks.

     "guess one of us has to sleep on the floor then." luke shrugs. "it's not going to be me."

     michael groans. "if you hog the blankets, i'm murdering you." he glares at luke as he tosses his bag onto one of the beds.

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