the way you used his last name was cute

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⚠️content warning⚠️
assault, sexual assault, mentions of r*pe:

:november 19, 2016

     luke runs down the alley in search of a sheltered place to get out of the rain. he turns a corner, looking behind him to make sure he wasn't followed. when he turns around, however, his chest slams into a man much larger than him, and he falls flat on his ass in the soaking pavement. luke groans in pain as he tries to stand up.

     the man stops him, though, and pushes him back down to the ground. "who the hell are you, and how did you get here?"

     "wh– what?" luke looks up, squinting as the rain pours down on his face. "i'm just– i'm just trying to get out of the– out of the rain, man." he stammers as he scoots backwards.

     "again, who are you?"

     "luke." luke appeals to the man, who luke is fucking terrified of, and he has never felt so small and defenseless.

     "luke what?" the man asks in a rough voice.

     "uh, it's–" luke swallows nervously. "clif–clifford. luke clifford."

     "get up." the man barks.

"what?" luke asks.

     "get up!" the man says louder. "i give you an order, you do it. get your ass up off the ground."

     "yes–yes sir." luke says shakily, and stands up as quickly as he can.

     the man grabs luke's arm and leads him through the alleyways. luke shakes under the mans touch. it's harsh, and he's hurting luke; but luke is much too scared to say anything. luke lets a few tears slip as they walk, knowing they'd be washed away with the rain. he silently begs for michael to show up, for michael to have been following him the whole time. he missed michael a lot that night.

     the man leads luke to what seems like an abandoned building. he shoves luke through a door and luke almost loses his footing as he stumbles through the doorway. "keep walking." the man huffs, placing his hand forcefully against luke's lower back.

     "i'm going, please– i'm doing what you're saying, please stop touching me." luke says in a small voice as the mans hand slides lower and lower down luke's back.

     "i'll do whatever i want to you." the man stops luke, grabbing his wrists and shoving him against the wall. his breath is hot on luke's neck and luke whimpers as the grip on his wrists tightened. "you're small. you're nothing. want to try that again?" the man reaches around to luke's front, placing his hand on luke's cock through his jeans as luke fights to slip out of his grip.

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