Chapter 2 "Journey of the Iron Fist"

Start from the beginning

The ninja had ran towards Iron Fist then attempted to kick Iron Fist but had missed Fist by him backing away and had blocked punches then kicks Fist in the stomach and he had flew to the edge of the sidewalk with cars driving past under him hanging onto the railing, then the ninja had forced his hand to let go of the railing and Fist had landed in the middle of the street with a truck heading towards him then hears the sound of webbing and the truck honking

Spiderman:Be glad that I been able to save you from being a pancake Iron Fist

The ninja then had jumped down from the top and had took out a long black rope with a dagger at the end with purple liquid then had spun it around and walked towards Iron Fist and Spiderman

Iron Fist:While I still stand, I will not stand for this, I will teach you the honor of K'un-L'un!!

Spiderman:Yeah ninja!!! What he said!!

The ninja then ran towards Iron Fist as Iron Fist ran towards him with his fist ready to punch him but before he did the spear had cut the Fist's shoulder with the purple liquid and then the ninja grabbed his arm and had dunked under his arm and had threw him to the ground, then the ninja raises his spear over Iron Fist but before he did his arm was being pulled back by web then he looks back

Spiderman:Yo!! Bad version of Bruce Lee!! I see your love for martial arts is strong, but how much you want to bet that that truck is stronger??*shoots the web attached to the ninja to the back of a truck and the ninja was being dragged by the truck and was being dragged into the concrete, sees Iron Fist getting up then he helps him up*That scratch doesn't look so deep, we can be able to easily treat it at S.H.I.E.L.D, but you're first telling me of why that ninja was only attacking you

A deep elderly voice had spoke out from behind, "Daniel Rand"they both had turned around and sees a elderly man with a white cloak and was in the center of two guards wearing black full armor

Spiderman:uhh who's that?? Is that Papa Fist??

Iron Fist:I wish I could explain but now isn't a good time*walks towards the elder man*

Spiderman:Huh what?? What do you mean by that?!?! Danny!!*walked after Danny as Danny had bowed in front of the elder man*Danny what's going on?? You can't just leave me here stranded without answers!! And where are you going?? Who is this old short man?!?!

Iron Fist:*removes his mask*I wish I can tell you but now isn't the time, my time here has come to an end, thank you for letting me be a part of the team, you can keep my belongings

Spiderman:You're telling that yourself, and what do you mean your time has come?!?! Tell me what the hell is going on?!?!

Iron Fist:Just talk with Luke, he'll tell you, bye Peter, I'll miss you and the others*gives him a sad smile as he enters the black car and the door had gotten closed on him*

Spiderman:But Danny wait!!*the car drove away*La chingada madre!! He should know that I'm a stubborn ass and and I should at least know where he's going to*shoots web from metal bars over him and was following the black car*

~In the airport~

Spidey then had jumped onto a railing tower and sees a white plane with the name 'Rand Corporation' in red paint

Spiderman:That's odd, why does the plane sees 'Rand Corporation'?? And also, isn't Rand also Danny's last name?? I'm sensing a Spidey connection between them, tho I do remember the name 'Rand Corporation' had popped out from somewhere

~In the flashback~

Sam:*playing a video game in the living room along with Peter*I'm going to beat your ass in this game Web head!!

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