She tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, Midoriya."


She showed the paper to him, asking, "What do you know about this hero?"

Midoriya gasped. "Crust? He's one of the top 10 heroes in all of Japan, at No. 6 right now! Kanetsukabe-san, you got an offer from him?!"

Hitomi fiddled with a piece of her hair, embarrassed. "Yeah... I just wanted to ask what you knew about him, that's all."

"I think you should go to his agency! Since he's the Shield Hero, he could help you out with training your quirk along with your own combat sense; he's got a pretty physical fighting style."

Hitomi glanced at the paper again before looking back at the freckled boy. "Thanks for your advice, Midoriya. I still don't really know much about the pro heroes of Japan, so your knowledge is super helpful!"

Midoriya turned red at the praise. "Oh, it's nothing really..."


Aizawa and Class 1-A were at the train station, the first day of internships.

"You all have your costumes, right?" Aizawa asked. "Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything."

There were sounds of affirmation as Aizawa continued. "Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you, now."

He sounds like such a dad.

The class dispersed, Hitomi heading for the train line that would take her to Ōsaka.


The sun was already beginning to set by the time Hitomi arrived, leaving her anxious about finding the agency.

A teenage girl alone in the city at night...

Glancing at the map on her phone, she walked through Central Ōsaka as the city came to life, billboards and building signs lighting up as night fell.

"Wow, it's so pretty at night..."

After a few minutes, she stopped in front of a large building, a sign in front labeled "Crust Hero Agency".

Pressing a button, she spoke into the intercom system by the door. "Excuse me? I'm here for the internship..."

Static crackled before a voice was heard. "Name?"

"Hitomi Kanetsukabe from UA."

"ID, please."

Hitomi fished around in her blazer pocket, pulling her school ID from her wallet and holding it up for the intercom camera.

The doors opened, revealing the reception desk. "Come on in."

She stepped inside, reveling in the No. 6 Hero's agency.

The receptionist turned to her from her computer. "Crust will be down in a bit."

Right then, a man's voice was heard.

"Ah, you've made it, young miss!"

Hitomi jumped in surprise from the loud voice, turning to see the No. 6 Hero in front of her.

"Um, hello!" she exclaimed, bending in a deep bow. "Thank you for extending an offer to intern at your agency..."

The hero waved her off. "No need for formalities, young miss. Follow me, I'll show you where you'll be staying for the week."


Crust opened a door, revealing a small bedroom. There was a bed against the wall on the left side of the room, a desk and dresser opposite to it on the right wall.

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