Alcoholic Pt. 1

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This was requested by LunaKupkace! Enjoy~

Warnings: Alcohol Use


Patton had noticed something... off about Logan. He wanted to investigate Logan's room, but he was in there 24/7. So, he got Virgil, Roman, and Deceit to distract him.

"All I need you guys to do is distract him for me," Patton said. "If he gets to close to the room, just text me.

"Alright, dad... are you sure this is a good idea?" Virgil asked.

"I'm sure. I'm just worried about him."

"Okay then..."

"Everything will be fine! Trust me. Now, he might be in the common room, don't let him leave." Patton said and walked away.


When Patton got to his room, he quietly opened the door and closed it once he was inside.

"Now, what are you hiding Lo?" Patton asked himself quietly.

Patton looked around his room. He found nothing.

He looked everywhere except for the closet... which was guarded by Logan's wolf, Spirit.

"Spirit, you've been there ever since I came into the room, what's in Logan's closet?"

Spirit looked at him. Then she looked at the door. She didn't move from her spot.

"Spirit, all I want to do is help your owner. I'm very worried about him. Just let me look in the closet. I promise I won't be mad at Logan."

Spirit looked at Patton. Then she looked down. She slowly moved away from the closet.

"Thank you."

Patton opened the closet and something caught his eye... 18 bottles full of something.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is..." Patton whispered. Then he pulled out one of the bottles. His biggest fear came true...

It was alcohol.

There will be a Part 2, don't worry!

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