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Logan searched under his bed, under his desk, under everything. Even his wolf. (Who's name is Spirit.)

"Where is it? Where is it?" Logan panicked. He searched his room from top to bottom, every nook, and cranny. Logan sighed. He had tears streaming down his eyes. Then he realized that if it isn't in his room, then it must be somewhere else.

He walked out of his room and searched the hallways. He got to the common room. He searched everywhere, making the others complain. Until that's when Roman just had to speak up.

"Logan. What is your problem? What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm looking for something." He answered.

"What could possibly of importance to you?"

"A pencil."

"A... pencil. What could possibly be so special about a stupid pencil?"

Logan stopped. Roman's words in his mind. 'What could possibly be so special about a stupid pencil?'

Logan felt his heart almost burst of anger. He looked at Roman, angrily.

"It's the last thing my brother had on him when he died!" Logan yelled. Logan sunk out, leaving the others in shock.


"Roman, how many times have I told you not to push it?" Patton asked.

"I-I didn't know. How could I possibly know he had a brother? He barely speaks to us, less than Virgil."

"Don't bring me into this, Prince Douche." Virgil had used the first nickname he gave Roman.

"You're gonna apologize to him later, for now, let's look for that pencil," Patton said.


Logan was in his room laying on his bed with his wolf at the end of the bed, looking after him. Logan was trying hard not to cry but he failed. He took off his glasses and lied them next to him, he let the tears roll down his face.

Spirit heard him and quietly moved to next to Logan.

Logan felt his eyelids get heavy and he closed them, going to sleep.


Patton had found a pencil that was dark blue with the name Logan on it and assumed it was Logan's lost pencil.

Patton quietly knocked on Logan's door. No answer.

"Logan...?" Patton said. He checked the doorknob to see it was unlocked. He walked in and saw a wolf. 'Logan has a wolf!? Oh my gosh, it's so adorable!'

Patton kept his squeals concealed and slowly walked up to Logan's bedside. He noticed Logan's face looked shiny.

'Has he been crying...? Oh, Logie...'

He put the pencil on Logan's bedside table and quickly left and closed the door quietly.


Part 2?


430 words

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