𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝙸𝙸𝙸 | "𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎."

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TO THIS VERY DAY, the former, Miss Hews, still has the same question on her mind.

How in the world, did I swim a whole quarter of a mile, in a sopping wet, waterlogged dress, with a ragged breathing pattern, and an infected shoulder?.............

IT WASN'T EASY BUT Evelyn kept swimming. Her dress, or the pain in her chest, and her grazed shoulder weren't going to stop her from an opportunity of a lifetime. She had lost sight of Tommy, and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.

She swam with every last ounce of strength that was left in her. The graze on her shoulder stung, and it even felt like it was bleeding. She grits her teeth and continuously tells herself to keep going.

She was almost there, the yacht being like the light at the end of the tunnel. She pushed herself harder, her eyes and heart filled with determination. The oily girl sighs in relief when her finger touches the side of the yacht. She raises her arms in the air, to catch the attention of the men onboard without using words. Her breathing preventing her from doing so. Two men rush to her, and pull her up with ease.

-"Th-thank y-you," she stutters with pure gratitude whilst shivering.

-"It's nothing Miss...... say, do I know you?" Asks a boy wearing a red jumper.

-"I don't....." Evelyn wipes her face with the blanket that was handed to her by another man when she was pulled up.

"Peter?!" Her eyes go wide in disbelief.

-"Evelyn? Cousin Evelyn?! Is that really you?!" Peter asks, completely astonished.

No further words are spoken before the two embrace each other. When Evelyn left to become a nurse for the war, the whole family thought she was dead after she didn't write to them for two months. Evelyn, on the other hand, hadn't seen the Dawson's for two years, after a family argument got out of hand.

The two pull away, tears in Evelyn's eyes, and pure joy in Peters. Before he could say anything, a cry is heard from the side of the boat. The cousins and the other man who pulled her up, hurry to the side. Tommy hangs on to the yacht for dear life. A wave of relief washes through the girl when she sees Tommy alive and well. The boat, that's moving fast, drags Tommy through the oily water. Distant shouts from other men farther away from them in the water could be heard. Pleading to be saved from the perilous waters.

Peter holds on to the boy in the water, with Evelyn at his side praying that no one will let go. Water starts to clean the boys oily face as they come out of the slick. Evelyn moves out of the way just in time when Peter lifts him up and into the yacht. Tommy lays on the floor, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. No one makes a sound as they watch him.

-"Take me home." He whispers breathlessly.

Evelyn falls to her knees and is at his side in no time. The others starts to make their way below and put on life jackets. Tommy opens his eyes to see Evelyn above him, starring down at him in worry.

He lets out a breath of air, finally having a sense of relaxation. His mouth opens and his lips curl upward into a slight open mouthed smile. A chuckle escapes Evelyn's lips as she watches him.

-"We did it Evelyn, we did it." He says while looking up at the sky.

-"Yes we did," she nods in agreement.

He glances at her before sitting up and making his way down below. He and Evelyn are handed and a life jacket by Peter before going down below.

"Excuse me," the young lady excuses herself from Tommy's company, she needed to see if her uncle was here.

"Peter, is your dad here?" She asks in a quiet tone. Peter nods and points to an older man behind the wheel.

-"Dad," Peter taps his fathers shoulder.

-"What's wrong Pe..... Evelyn?!" He nearly knocks his son over to hug his niece he thought was dead, like there was no tomorrow.

-"Uncle John!" Evelyn cries into his shoulder.

-"We thought you were...."

-"I know, and I'm sorry, I got so busy and they kept moving me...."

-"Don't be sorry you dear girl, well, you're more of a young woman now. Go down below, and we'll fix you up sometime warm!" The man smiles warmly at his favorite niece. Evelyn nods and takes off with Peter at her side to help her down the steps.

Never did any of Evelyn's family think that she's be seen ever again.

This just goes to prove that miracles are real. So to answer Evelyn's question above, it was a miracle that any of this that happened, did.

Before she could actually get down, the other man known as Collins, lifts his head up and looks at the sky. Evelyn signals for Peter to stop as she watches his face. She studies his uniform to see that he's a pilot.

-"His was hit and landed in the water. Almost drowned if we hadn't saved him." Peter fills her in.

Evelyn acknowledges her cousin before going back to listening in on what was going on.

-"That's a fighter." Collins tells Mr. Dawson. The concern in his voice was not comforting at all.

-"Me 109, from the South. Peter take the wheel, listen for my instructions." Peter takes off to do what his dad has asked of him.

"Go down below Evelyn, and no questions about it." Mr. Dawson says to his niece, knowing fully well, that she would beg to stay and watch.

Evelyn nods and with quick steps makes her way below. She looks to her left to see Tommy sitting. He looks over at her and with his eyes asks her to come sit with him. She nods and takes a seat next to him. The two exchange a silent conversation only using their eyes that could say so much, and hold much more emotion. They were so expressive that no words were needed.

Evelyn lays her head on Tommy's shoulder. If this had been before, then he probably would've felt slightly uncomfortable, seeing how he had no experience on how to "talk to girls".

But now, after all they had been through, it was only fitting that that should be done. They had done so much for each other, Tommy more that it made Evelyn slightly guilty.

-"What's wrong?" He whispers to her, seeing the look of discomfort on her face.

She shakes her head as if to say, not now.

Tommy nods in respect , not fully understanding if she meant, that it wasn't his business or if this wasn't the time. He didn't know what to think so decided to ask her again later.

WC: 1160

I'll have more chapters about the two of them after Dunkirk is over.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!

<3 Catherine💫

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