Record 27: Birth Story

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June 5, 2019

My baby is already 5 days old today. I praise God that everything went well, I am thankful that He has given me what I needed especially through my journey to deliver my baby Zechariah.

If somebody will ask my own opinion of what labor feels like? I will definitely say it was a nightmare. Please do not judge me, hear me first why a statement like that came out of my mind.

My pregnacy went so smooth that I only experienced mild morning sickness but really everything went well. There are times we lack somethings but still God provides what is lacking.

Since my pregnacy, youtube is where I get information of everything except also those friends I know who shared their experience in child bearing.

In my early stage of pregnacy, labor and delivery room frightened me. I know I have high tolerance of things around me, but not with the pain that includes my body. I am afraid of injections, even when I go to dental clinic, I need someone with me. I don't like hospital as much as possible. My first check up as a pregnant lady also frightened me, but I got used to it only. So while I am waiting for the right time, I always watch youtube to help me know what to expect in that day and what to do. Yes, I manage to handle my fear and get excited on what is about to happen. Until the day came, I got frustrated also because I am or we because we are a lot who waited for my baby to come out of my belly. It has been one week, I walked everyday, eat pineapples, squat and done things to induce my labor. And that day, I wake up very early, I cried and prayed to God. I told Him my frustration, and ask Him to help me become more patience in waiting for the right time for me and my baby to meet personally. Until, I was filled with so much emotion that I needed to get to the bathroom. And there finally, a brown mucus came out of me. I thanked God, because the day came. Yes!! The day came, I prepared myself, took a bath and got some morning walk with my husband.

After that we went to the hospital, and there they required me to have my third ultrasound. And we found out that the baby's water inside was already so low that I needed to be transfered in another hospital where equipment needed for me to be monitored was there. So we travelled almost one hour to get there, I was still so okay at that time. Until I got admitted, went to labor room. I ready myself and think positively that I can do it. I saw those painful faces of moms who was also inside the room with me. I said in my mind, I can do this again. That was still 2:30pm, still hoping for a good result of this fight. Hours passed, and I am already feeling the pain of how labor felt like. And again I said, I can do this. I was wishing the baby will come out at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm until I lost count of the time because the pain is already severe that I almost cannot handle anymore. I said again I can do this, and waited 'till they will took me to delivery room. But two hours passed, still baby doesn't come out. Until they check me again, and I already lost count of time.

Finally, they said the baby will come out soon, so they transferred me to the delivery room. Delivering my baby is the sweetest part. I love how I felt at that time until he came out to the world. But after that became nightmare to me.

Two hours of sewing, an hour of being naked in the room with no one checking me out, because it was already dawn, I and my baby was shivering. Until the doctor wakes up and check me out. A painful stomach pressing and IE, then they checked my sewed wounds and I have to be scolded because I cannot hide how pained I am everytime they checked on me. Plus a weak and tired body. Finally, they brought us to the OB ward. I am only thankful that my baby was so behave at the time and just slept beside me so I got some rest too. And when I wake up, there the pain again, plus a feeling of a battered body. I am so weak to stand or seat. But so happy to finally see my baby.

Actually in my experience at that time made me think of not getting pregnant again. Yes, I and my husband is planning to have three kids. I don't know if I can still do that but maybe I need to heal first, emotionally and mentally to decide what to do next.

But through those journey I really appreciate my husband, I went through hard time at the labor and delivery room but so also the sacrifices of my husband, waiting for how many hours outside, sleeping in a cold chair in the waiting area while raining outside. He lacks sleep and doesn't eat much. He is always there since the beginning of my pregnancy. I am so blessed and thankful to have him.

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